hidden room

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I've been staying with troy since the disappearance of my grandmother. It has been two weeks now and nothing has come up.

Sam is being discharge from the hospital today and I wanted to be the one to pick him up.

It was 10:55 am, I sat on the window leading to my room, watching the birds go by. The breeze felt so calm and peaceful as it brushed against my face.

For a moment I forgot about everything that has happened for the last few weeks.

Then out of nowhere something came flying trough my window hitting me on my forehead.

“ WTF! Who did that!” I yelled while looking in the direction of which it came.

There was a little boy sitting under a tree close to Troy's mother guest house. He looked really scared, so I decided to check it out.

Everyone was busy getting ready to go to the hospital. As for me I wanted to find out what this kid was doing here, so I hurried down the stairs and ran over to where he was sitting.

“ Who are you? Why are you here” I asked while slowly bending down to his level. Just then he raised up his head and stared right into my soul.

“ you of to come home! He's mad at you”. With those words he got up and started walking towards the forest.

I felt so curious and Eager to find some answers, so I fallowed close behind. I trailed him trough the dark cold forest, until I came upon a house.

“ Oh shit! WTF am I doing here” I shouted as soon as I realized where I was. I was standing in front of the Simon's house and the worst part of it was that I was here all alone.

The little boy that I was fallowing walked up to the door a vanished into thin air without a Trace.

All of a suddenly I swore I could hear my grandmother yelling from inside. I quickly ran up to the door which automatically flew open revealing a dark house.

I walked inside and started testing the switches but the power was out.
Then I heard it again, the painful screams of my grandmother, it was coming from then attic.

I quickly ran upstairs and into my old room. Just then I remembered leaving a torch on the bedside table. The screams were getting even louder.

I couldn't just leave without finding out if it was really my grandmother that was in trouble.

Slowly I walked trough the dark hall way leading up to the attic.

As I approached the attic door it flew open revealing an empty room. As I entered inside the room I heard something banging against the walls, but there were no one else but me in here.

I walked towards the direction in which the sounds were coming from, as I got closer I could fell chills running up my spine making me want to turn back, but I've come too far for that.

I slowly walked over to the wall and rest my hands on it, suddenly the entire wall broke down and the smell of rating meat filled the air making me want to vomit.
As the dust cleared it revealed on empty room with a piano in the corner and a light hanging from the roof. There wasn't anything here at all, so I decided to just leave.

Turning around my eyes caught something that made me stop in my tracks and turned back around.

The piano lifted off the ground and started playing its self, while moving towards me.

I felt my heart leap into my throat, in fright I turned around to run but something caught my wrist from behind.

“ Please save me.” I heard the voice of a lady said from behind. But I was too afraid.

I pulled my hands away and ran down stairs, as soon as I reached the door I ran out without looking behind.

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