XXIIIc: The Ireland Incident

Start from the beginning

"But what's alarming is that it escalated to a Class B..." Foaly tapped his fingers and suddenly came to a conclusion, "A bomb perhaps?"

"Human?" Holly quickly blurred, fully alarmed now.

"No, no-it might just be a rogue faery–whatever the case this is clearly not an accidental incident. Get in there Holly and establish order, I'll tap in once I execute the required protocols"



"What in Haven's name is going on!?"

"Glad you decided to chip in on this fiasco!" Holly snarled in the comms as she seem to be hiding behind a rock, looking all battered and charred as fire and...lava were scattered around the premises. Fixtures and metal columns seem to dot the area, giving a bad omen to the centaur, "I leave you alone for five minutes and suddenly you look like you're in the middle of a volcanic eruption site!"

"That...isn't as far-fetched as it seems"

"What do you mean?"

Holly then angled the camera carefully to face beyond the rock, and what was shown on screen almost made Foaly yelp like a pony (and that's a BIG DEAL to centaurs)

A creature, standing at least 10 feet tall, stood over what remained of the melted base; its entire body seem to be glowing pure orange yellow, swirling and throbbing as if alive like flowing lava. It had a humanoid face, but had eye sockets glowing like the sun and a face only a dead mother would love. Each time it moved, fragments of black material and drops of hot liquid dripped from the effort. Even from here, Foaly felt like just from staring he could burn with pure heat...

"What is it?"

"A...A Fire elemental..."


"Holly, get out of there!" Foaly ordered grimly, unsure what to do. Why is a creature of myths doing here!? And why of all days is this happening with the Commander on leave!?

"Understood! I'll–" Holly was preparing to leave until she froze, seeming to spot a figure in all the debris and smog.


Before any visual or word could follow, a sharp signal seem to envelop the area that brought the camera to static.

"Agh! D'Arvit!" Foaly cursed as he rushed to reconnect the signal, knowing every second counts in a crisis like this. Meanwhile, he alerted the LEP forces of the situation to be the highest degree of crisis, and in seconds the office was buzzing with activity.

"Foaly! How is she!?" Trouble ran into the centaur's abode, fully geared and ready to join into the fray.

"I'm going overtime here if that's what you're asking! Did you receive word from the Commander?"

"Not a word"

"Alright! Prepare a team and head to the London tunnel–It's only fitting that the husband saves the wife, eh?"

Trouble colored at that but dismissed it in haste as he left to round up the group as fast as he could. Foaly was about to initiate a forced signal when the screen fizzed somewhat to life. What beheld Foaly's eyes nearly pop out in disbelief, his entire being seem to jolt.

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