XXI: The Vision

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Dreams had never been this vivid for Artemis Fowl, and if they were, they were never good memories. Perhaps, it applies here too.

This dream...it was no ordinary dream for sure.But even when he was aware that it was a dream, it feels so real to the point that he wondered at what point of time did he even think this was a dream. Was it? He could feel both a headache and an existential crisis coming on.

Before he could ponder on it more, he continued walking...and walking...then stopped on top of a hill overlooking a view that took his breathe away.

A massive wall loomed in the distance, the morning dew and fog giving it a mysterious vibe of grandeur, as if it was an indomitable existence in the field. Majestic as it was, he could see it had fresh dents and cracks, possibly from the bombardment of the spherical rocks dotting the landscape just below it. Plumes of smoke seem to emanate from the ground, with sticks...no, spears and swords that were embedded and scattered as far as the eye could see.

A battlefield, Artemis concluded. An ancient one at that, but what-

Artemis then blinked and the view turned to a vast, clear field with a river running through it. Then, as if in a time lapse, the world sped up; a village rose, battles came and went, civilization expanded the area into a city which then was razed and fixed. Once more, the wall came back, and stayed that way even as time continued to push on.

Battles continued to roar it's might, but the wall stayed. Fires and powerful storms came and howled its forces of nature, but the wall stayed. Even two gods descended from the heavens and made the field their place of duel...even with all that power, the wall stayed.

"For 200 years, this wonder stood the test of time and power, and now...I've come to strip of its legacy, all for the mere demand of the people I favor"

Artemis could feel his mouth mutter these words, but they came out feminine and not of his control. Ahh, definitely a dream then. Or perhaps...a vision?

"I too am saddened by this, my Lady, but it must be done"

Artemis turned to his left and looked down towards a bulky old man wearing a simple white garment. His appearance could seem to say he is all brawn, but his silvery aura clearly displayed whom he is favored by...and that he is not what he appears to be.

"They've dared to provoke your people, so they must pay the price. Such is the way of life"

"When my people will at last strike the final blow against the foe, I ask you spare the wall and let it crumble against the elements. None have the honor of ending it in the middle of this dispute" Artemis' gaze came back to the wall, a simple structure but one with rich history...even he himself was impressed.

"Your wish...will be carried out, my Lady" the old man relented, obviously finding this condition troublesome but did not seek to insult. Artemis could tell his frustration; what other method was there to get through a wall...than 'through' it?


"I have an idea on how to pass the wall and finally bring this war to an end," the old man stroked his beard in thought, "But...we still don't have your blessing, my Lady"

Artemis sighed but his gaze was still fixed in front, "You know full well of the reason behind my reluctance; as we speak, I still have the obligation of protecting our foe"

"What must I do to free you from this duty, my Lady?"

Artemis then faced the old man, feeling his gaze strengthen and narrow. The world slowly began to fade, and Artemis felt himself beginning to stir away from this vision. He did manage to catch the response he...no, Athena invoked:

"You must steal me, Odysseus, if you and your armies wish to ever lay hands on the city of Troy"


Artemis woke up then got up so fast, he crumbled to the ground out of dizziness and blood rush.

"Woah there! Artemis, you okay?" Piper asked as she quickly moved from her sentry duty and helped Artemis get his bearings. The mortal boy quickly opened a window and puked, his body shaking from head to toe.

Artemis have never felt so weak and drained before, not since the time he exhausted his magical reserves to save his mother from certain death. This was ten times worse, for sure.

"W...Wuh happen tu me?" Artemis slurred, the effort causing a wince of pain. His throat was dry, and his vision was doing doubles. A backlash of sorts?

"Annabeth thinks it's because you overexerted the power given to you by Athena; adding the fact that you are mortal, the strain of using that much power at once...even we demigods would be affected for sure" Piper informed as she guided him back to the bed, then offered him water from the table, "Drink"

"The charmspeak was unnecessar-urp" Artemis gulped down the glass quickly, then picked up the liter bottle and drank from that directly, earning a disapproving sigh from the daughter of Aphrodite.

"You must rest now" Piper fussed, picking up the blankets and taking the third empty water bottle away, "You probably have a lot of questions and all that, considering you've been out of it for three days now, but-"

"My friends!" Artemis quickly remembered, the panic so clear that the raw emotion caught Piper completely off guard, "I must get to them! No time-"

"NO!" Piper demanded with her charmspeak, "You are of no use to them as you are now; you must rest and regain your strength, else you'll end up smoking again"


"You were in a much terrible state before, Artemis" Piper informed as she tucked him in, "But not now, you must...sleep"

Just like that, Artemis went out like a light...


The next time Artemis woke up, the sun was setting from the horizon. He sat up, feeling better in body, but not in spirits. What has become of his friends? At least three days had passed...so much can happen in that span of time! A plan, he rubbed his forehead, he must think of a plan...

"You'll grow wrinkles at that rate, Artemis Fowl"

The unfamiliar female voice made him jump, suddenly noticing the tall, slim girl smeared in paint sitting at his right side with a knowing smile.

"Don't jump on me like that" Artemis sighed then raised an eyebrow, "And you must be..?"

Artemis observed that she had frizzy red hair, a freckled face, and green eyes that seem to radiate wisdom...and something ominous.

"Oh, I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare, but you can just call me Rachel. I'm the oracle around here, so it's my job to tell you of your fortune and demise, isn't that neat?"


Sorry for the wait guys, having writers block
This chapter is dedicated to the 3k reads btw so  the dual release is still coming soon, be patient-I'm not gonna leave halfway on this fanfic :)

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