Realizing I was getting so emotional I was no longer focusing on anything around me, I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and took a deep breath. Right now, all I could do to help the group was survive. We were close to our destination – a town somewhere north of us that Sp00n had insisted we checked out – so the best idea for me was to keep walking and use that as our rendezvous point. I'm certain Scott and Felix had both thought of this idea as well, so if everything went according to this new plan, we'd meet each other again there. And if we were lucky, someone had gone back for the truck.

We'd be okay.

Famous last words, right?

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't seen the body lying in the grass before I was standing only a couple of steps away from it. I completely froze, coming to a full stop and my eyes widening in shock.


His skin was pale, almost completely white. Although his eyes were shut, his mouth was opened the slightest bit, his lips an unhealthy blue color. In this one second of looking at him, my brain stopped working properly and I forgot how to breathe. No, this couldn't be happening. He couldn't be dead. This was just my dehydration and the freezing cold making me hallucinate. I refused to believe this was real.

Nonetheless, I took a few slow steps towards Felix's body and forced myself to crouch in the cold grass next to him. Tears had started to roll down my cheeks as I raised a shaky arm and softly placed my hand against Felix's cheek. I gasped at the coldness of his skin and I couldn't stop myself from sobbing. This wasn't some kind of hallucination; Felix was really lying here. This was really happening.

"No, p-please..." I muttered, cupping both his cheeks with my hands. All common sense had completely left me as I started sobbing louder, looking at him in disbelief. I hadn't even bothered checking for infected, but right now, I didn't care. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart into a thousand pieces, each second that passed in silence hurting more and more.

"Please... Please, I'm begging you..."

Although I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know the answer, I shakily pressed my hand against his neck to check for a pulse. As I could feel nothing but his freezing skin, my world felt like it was ending, but just as I was about to break down, I felt something.

He had a pulse.

He was alive.

I instantly felt extreme relief wash over me and I mentally thanked the universe for keeping him alive. Now that I knew his heart was still beating, my common sense started to return to me. First of all, I had to check my surroundings. Wiping my tears, I sat up and looked around, not seeing anyone else of the group. Neither did I see any infected.


I quickly turned back around to see Felix had opened his eyes and was now looking up at me, confusion written on his face.

"Felix!" I said, even more relieved now that he had regained consciousness. "Thank god you're awake, you scared me so much.."

The confusion stayed evident on his face and he slowly sat up. At first, I thought about pushing him back down, but I decided against it and instead helped him sit up properly.

"What happened?" he asked, looking around.

I shrugged, letting out a small sigh, "I was hoping you could tell me that."

Felix still seemed very cold, which reminded me of the current situation. We really had to find some kind of shelter so we could make a fire and warm up properly.

"Was I unconscious?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, you were. I just happened to walk passed or I would've missed you," I explained. "Can you remember anything that happened?"

Felix nodded slowly, "After the ghoul went after you, Entoan and Dlive, it came back for us and we were forced to split up. I'm pretty sure Russ still stuck close to Scott, but I wasn't sure whether the ghoul was after them or me, so I just kept running."

He paused for a small second, staring at the ground with slightly narrowed eyes. I patiently waited for him to continue.

"At one point, I must've twisted my ankle because I was suddenly on the ground and my ankle was throbbing. I don't actually remember falling. The adrenaline and fear have made everything a bit unclear..." he said, letting out a deep sigh and finally looking up at me. "Shit, I thought it killed all of you. I'm so relieved to see you. I thought you..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but he didn't have to. I knew exactly what he meant because I had felt the same just a couple of minutes ago. Instead of talking, I just pulled the blonde into a tight hug, pressing my eyes shut and feeling thankful that he was here with me.

A part of me felt extremely guilty that I survived while Entoan and Dlive were killed, but it was no use thinking about that now. They died. I didn't. End of story.

"Come on, we need to get moving," I spoke up, pulling back from the hug and standing up. "Do you think you can walk?"

"I'm not sure," Felix said. I helped him stand but as soon as he put any pressure on his ankle, he winced and I was just in time to stop him from falling down again.

"Guess that's a no," I said, standing next to him so I could support him. He threw his arm over my shoulders while I tightly help on to him around his waist. It reminded me of the days where I had just joined the group and Felix had to constantly support me. I guess I could finally repay the favor now.

"Where are Entoan and Dlive?" Felix asked. His voice was quiet, almost like he was afraid to ask. All I did was shake my head and that told him enough, because his expression turned sad, his eyes cast downwards.

"Let's just start walking and hope we find the others."

Now that I had Felix pressed against my body, the cold was more bearable and I didn't feel so hopeless anymore. At least I had already found him. If we were lucky, the others would follow soon enough.

There are not a lot of chapters left, so I hope you'll stick with me to the end and then we'll discuss a possible sequel! Thank you so much for reading and I'll try to write the next chapter asap.    


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