
"Nothing. Just be careful. I know how Tequila makes you."

"How does Tequila make her?" Sam asks, staring between us and I shrug, tossing the shot back.

"Honest, talkative, and flirty."

"Flirty?" I pretend to not notice that it was Harry who asked it.

"Yep. Or horny, in other words. Gone is reserved Avriella." She shrugs and I blush. "Not that I'm not for it. That Chase guy is hot. You do you, girl."

I laugh, for once not caring what the rest of our friends think. It's the alcohol, I know it is. It's making me careless already and bold, but I know I need to pace myself so I shove the shot glass away from me and step from the counter. "Whatever. I guess we'll see. Are we going to head out now?"

"Yeah, lets go."

I follow everyone out of the kitchen and purposely try to ignore Harry when I see him lingering behind. My attempt to bypass him without speaking is futile and his grip on my wrist pulls me back before I can get by. My eyes flicker to meet his green ones and I lean back a little when I find him closer than I expected him to be.

"You're not really going to hook up with that guy, are you?" His voice is low and his head towers over mine as he holds me in place.

"What does it matter?"

"You don't know him."

"I didn't know you, either." I snatch my wrist out of his hold and meet his eye with a coldness behind mine. "Aren't you with Eliza, anyways? I don't tell you who to sleep with. You don't get to tell me." I bite out and turn on my heel before he can respond, my hips swaying as I walk. Confidence rolls off me in waves and I'm-, I'm fucking pissed. Who does he think he is asking me if I'm going to sleep with Chase? I fume and practically stomp my way out of the apartment. Thankfully no one except maybe Harry notices my change in mood but I use my irritation towards him to fuel me. He sleeps with other people when him and I were hooking up but he suddenly cares if I'm about to do the same? Even when we're no longer sleeping together? Screw him.

The whole ride there I'm mentally preparing myself for what I planned to do. Zen was right. I should go for it. Chase seemed into me enough, and with the alcohol in my system I'd be confident to respond to him without my shyness holding me back. I'd get to the party, have another shot or two, and find him. I'd talk to him without the nerves and if somewhere along the line we ended up in one of the upstairs bedrooms, it wouldn't be so bad. At least, that's what I was trying to convince myself. A few more shots and I'll believe it.

By the time I've finished talking myself into spreading my wings for the night, we've arrived at the frat house. The house is lit with life and I can hear the music from the spot we park in just down the street. Slipping out of the car, I close the door behind me and adjust the cover up over my shoulders. It stays tied loosely at the skin of my waist and I take a deep breath, willing myself to walk in there with confidence. It wavers momentarily, but the second I see Harry walking towards us after getting out of the car parked behind us, I'm driven with motivation. Fuck you, Harry Styles.

I fall into step beside Zen at the front of the group, walking up the lawn and the few stairs of the porch. The door is already opened, college students littering the spot outside of it. They love as we approach, some of them staring while the others don't spare a glance. Zen holds onto my arm as we enter when we're automatically enveloped in a crowd of bodies. The first thing I notice is how hot it is in here with how many people are gathered in one room and I take a deep breath through my nose. Zen pulls me along behind her and someone grabs onto my elbow in order not to separate from me as well and one glance over my shoulder confirms it being Jess.

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