Caught from Cole's Brains.

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"Run run run run!" I screamed. "She's coming!"

Kai used his ninja skills to kick off the wall and we jumped over top of sleeping Jay, who forgot his anger and now was sleeping soundly against a wall, blowing bubbles with his spit. Nya roared and chased after us.

I shrieked with delight as Zane came charging out of his room and saw Kai and I run by with my hands waving everywhere. "Garmadon is back?" he wondered and yelled. He produced his weapons and threw them through the air at us.

"He thinks we are your dad?" Kai freaked. He ran extra fast to get away from Zane, who now began charging after us, along with Nya. We were running so fast I could hardly breathe and my batman shirt fluttered after me. I guess it would have looked like a creature with four arms.

But lo and behold, our journey stopped.

Cole got out of bed.

No, that is not why it stopped, even though Cole weighs a ton and could cause an earthquake. (I am sure that's why he can do them, not because of his earth power.)

The reason it stopped is because Cole, wherever and however he got smart, set a trap for us.

We ran into a net.

We were stuck.

"Oh grandma!" Kai declared as we frantically looked for a way out of the net, as Cole was laughing horrifically. "We are never going to get out of this one!"

"Oh grandma?" I giggled. Grandma's make you cookies and feed you good food like candy and chocolate and candy and.... but... "I never had a grandma!" I cried. "I want a grandma and I want one now!"

"Kid! Stop crying!" Kai begged as he struggled. "It will only make things worse!"

"I want a grandma!!"

Zane was approaching us, his prey, as well as Nya with an evil look on her face. Jay was still slumped against a wall with his face against it and sleeping. Kai shut my mouth and tried to scoot us into the shadows. "Quiet kid! If we go in the shadows maybe they won't see us and we can get out!"

"I want a grandma!" My voice echoed around the darkened hallway and I could feel some snot coming with all my tears. Kai scooted us.

"KID! I need you to be quiet!"

"Attention escapee! You have been found! Come out with your hands up!" Nya declared, speaking into a megaphone.

"Now where did she get that?" Kai wondered.

"You will never escape us!" she crazily chuckled. "And we will torture you with no regrets!"

I whimpered and pulled Kai closer. "Kai! They are going to take away my grandma!"

Kai's face was stern as he held me close, the net trap now in the shadows and Cole scanning the ground to try to find us. "We must be brave, Green Ninja. We must not give in!"

" But they will take my grandma!" I quaked.

"Remember Kid? You don't have a grandma? You were just crying about that like two seconds ago?!"

"That's right," I sniffled. "I want a grandma! WAH!"

Kai tried to cuddle me but it was kind of hard since his one arm was outside the net and my foot was tangled backwards. But we managed. "Shush!"

But we were caught. Cole found my foot and yanked us out into the hallway. Nya switched on the light. Our lives were over. I never would have a grandma to give me cookies and ice cream and candy and chocolate and candy.

I burst into tears and felt it all run down my face and onto my batman pajama's that made me cry even more. "Nya!" I sobbed. "Nya!"

Nya came to my rescue. "Lloyd? What's the matter?" She removed the net.

Kai shoved me over. "Take him!" He panicked and tried to get away from me.

"I don't want to go to bed! I'm not tired! And I DON'T HAVE A GRANDMA!" Another round of tears came on and Zane, Coley, and Kai watched as I cried my eyes out and Nya rubbed my back.

"It's okay Lloyd. How about we just get you snuggled in bed?" I sniffed and I nodded tearfully, sticking my thumb in my mouth. Nya watched all the other boys as they took in the scene as well. "You guys can go to bed now. The excitement is over." They all turned.

"And Kai, tomorrow we are having a chat." Kai looked ashamed as he walked away, past the sleeping Jay against the wall, with the biggest drool bubble I have ever seen.

Nya gathered me in her arms and I cuddled. We headed past the sleeping Jay, since my room was across from Kai's and on the other side of the kitchen, unlike Cole and Zane's. Nya glanced at her sleeping love, who so unattractively snorted.

"Just leave him," she said as we walked.

We reached my room and Nya put me in bed. I cried again. "What about Snoodle?"

Nya flinched and froze. "What is snoodle?"

"Snoodle is not a what! It's a her!" I pointed to the bottom drawer of my dresser and Nya opened it. She pulled out a sausage looking puppy with big blue eyes. I smiled and reached for the teddy. "Snoodle!"

Nya shook her head. "Lloyd, do you always sleep with a teddy?"

I smiled really big. "Yes Nya. It helps me sleep and doesn't give me nightmares. Uncle gave it to me and I always have had to hide it from Darkley's boys and the other ninja, because they would tease me endlessly and I don't like that." I put my thumb in again.

Nya shook her head and laughed. "You're right, Lloyd. They would tease you."

I cuddled close to Snoodle and watched blinking sleepily as Nya shut off the lights.

"Goodnight Nya."

"Goodnight Lloyd."

"Thanks for being my mom."

"Anytime Lloyd. Anytime."


Hi guys! no excuse for not updating! Just lazy and it is the end of the school year almost! Also, my updating time last Sunday wasn't good because I usually write on the drive to church but this week I drove. Anyway, It is here now! Now question!!

"What is a movie that everyone else has watched but you haven't and have no idea about it??"

Mine is Beauty and the Beast.

Whats yours?
Remember, comment your favorite part and let me know what it is! It really helps next time!!


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