One Big Happy Family with an 'Oaf'

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I shrugged out of my pajamas and into my ninja costume, ready to be a ninja. I placed the two golden swords on my back. After all, you never know when you could fight some bad guys.

Joking! I did it so I can go give these Christmas cookies to some homeless people. I'm sure everyone will want one from the GREEN NINJA. That's me by the way. The best.

And maybe I can impress some hot babes. Ya never know.

Kai was doing his hair in the bathroom as I ran by, in search for my kitty. And there, in the bathroom, was Platypus, washing his cute little paws in the sink.

And Kai seemed to have spiked up her head. She looked at me innocently, he eyes wide with hair reaching way up. In other words, he turned my kitty into a clown.  "Kai!"


"Did you just meow at me?"

"No, stupid!" Kai growled. "It was your cat."

"Her name is Platypus!" I growled. I snatched my kitty off the counter, cradling her gently. "Why did you put gel in her hair!?" I tried to flatten the hair.

"Me?" Kai scoffed. "It was your stupid cat." He washed his face and placed the wash cloth back onto the towel rack.

I chuckled evilly and Kai's eyes went wide. "You mean to tell me that this cute little ball of innocence used your hair gel voluntarily?" I don't believe that. Kai, letting someone use his hair gel? And letting my little kitty, that he hates so much use it?

Kai squirmed. "Yes?"

"LIAR," I bellowed. He flinched.

"Well, it kinda fell on the tube and it kinda squirted on its head so I kinda smeared it around and it kinda stuck up, kinda like mine. He kinda looks better....kinda?"

"I kinda don't care," I snorted. I took a washcloth and began rubbing the purring Platypus' hair. Kai watched me and slowly inched out of the bathroom. I took his hair gel and through it out the window. Ha.


Gulp. That was Coley-boy, getting ready to go.

I looked out the window and Cole looked up. Our eyes met.

"Lloyd!" he growled. "You know how much it sucks when objects fall through you!? And when you say "ow" and it doesn't hurt?" The hair gel was by his feet, or rather, in his feet.

"Uh....." I rolled my eyes around, 'thinking'. "No, because...o wait! Ya, I'm not a ghost and I never really had an object fall through me before."

Cole grumbled. "Smarty pants."

Nya's voice came over the speakerphone. "We are ready to leave! Everyone get to the vehicle or we will leave you behind." Kai ran past me to the bedroom and slammed the door shut, his hair streaming behind him. That's how fast he was moving.

Okay then.

Nya sighed and continued.

"Lloyd, you can't go if you are still in your pajamas." I look down and saw that I was properly dressed.  I snatched Platypus and ran to the DirtDigger, Coles car, that we were going to use. I buckled myself in the seat next to Cole, who grumpily growled at me.

"And Jay, if you aren't out of that shirt you can't go and I will be mad."

Jay jumped in behind the driver, Cole. He turned to me and whined. "I wanted the front!" His shirt was his usual GI, since, you  know, you don't want to upset Nya.

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