Beginning the Search for Coley-Boy

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Once we had gotten up, we realized that Cole was no longer with us. How did we realize this, you might ask?

Sensei did a roll call and a head count. One was missing.

"Platypus?" I had suggested. I mean, maybe Sensei started to include the kitty in our group.

"Lloyd, you idiot!" Jay rolled his eyes. "Platypus is no more and you gave her away to that little girl. Nobody liked that annoying brat of a cat anyway! It's obviously Cole."

"No more?" Nya gasped. "Platypus is dead!?"

Zane froze. "I was not informed of the passing of Lloyds cat, nor that Cole is missing."

"First of all," I spoke up, "Platypus is not dead, and second, everyone loved the kitty! Right, Zane?"

Zane looked down mournfully. "It scratched me."

Okay, moving on.

"Jay, you idiot. This is how rumors get spread."

"Hey! Don't you dare use that tone of voice towards my boyfriend."

"It's okay, boo smoochie. I can take it like a man."

"Are you sure, my blueberry love?"

"Yes, dearest dove."

Okay then. Let's test this.

Jay puffed up his chest and stood proud and tall, well, as tall as Jay can get, and looked me in the eye.

"Jay, you idiot!" I repeated myself using the same tone.

"Wah! Nya babe! Did you hear what he called me!?"

"Yes muffin munchie. I did. It wasn't very nice."

I chuckled evilly and did a smirk, celebrating my small victory of making Jay look like an idiot.

Zane broke through the laughter and the teasing awesomeness of mine. "Guys, shall we not focus on finding the black ninja?"

"Oh. Right. Coley-boy," I remembered. "Ya, where could that piece of charcoal be?"

"I've got it!" Kai burst into the room, waving around a piece of paper. "I know where Cole is!"

"You do?" Zane asked, surprised.

"How?" Nya wondered.

"Am I dreaming?" asked Jay, "or did Kai actually do something smart in his life?"

I smirked. "Ya. Kai smart in his life? Remember the time that the tried to see if he could breathe in fire? Or what about the time where he tried to shoplift sunglasses? What an idiot!" I put my hands in my head and laughed.

Everyone laughed with me.

"I'm right here!" Kai reminded us all, rolling his eyes.

Zane took the paper off of Kais hands. "Well, where is Cole?" He frowned at the paper and flipped it upside down, then looked at the back of it. "Hey! This is blank!"

"I know," Kai grinned. "It got stuck on my hands while I was running. I didn't bother taking it off because it just looked cool and fit the mood."

Jay snorted. "Cool? Says the ninja of fire!"

Kai boasted and puffed up a little more. "Hey! You can do anything if you put your mind to it."

Nya rolled her eyes. "Boys, just continue on. Where is Cole?"

Kai smiled. "Oh ya! I found him on the maps in the Bounty control room. Apparently he is easy to track now that we have a 'ghost finder' system in the Bountys computers."

Nya kissed Kai on the cheek. "Kai! You're a genius!" She ran to the control room.

Jay scowled. "That was supposed to be my kiss."

"In your dreams," Kai laughed. "My sisters lips aren't touching yours."

"Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news," I started.

"Like you always are?" Zane wondered.

Jay howled. "Woah! Look at Zane finally cracking a joke!"

Zane was puzzled. "That was a joke? Very well. Hah. Hah. Hah."

Jay slapped his forehead with his hand.

I frowned and pouted. "Anyway, Kai, I'm pretty sure that Jays lips have already touched Nyas."

Kai plugged his ears. "I don't need to know that!"

Jay hissed. "Lloyd! You give everything away!"



sorry it's so short but it deleted three times on me!!😡.



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