Jays in Love.

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"We will we will rock ya! Sock ya!" Jay sung, dancing around the living room, waving his arms randomly.

This is what happens when I, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, give Jay and Nya a night out to themselves. It was us three home, as others were on a mission for something and another. Kai muttered something about the slushy girl, while Zane said something about falcon parts. Sensei left for tea, and I think everyone can guess what Cole left for.



So anyway, it was just us three home, and I let Jay and Nya go out instead of babysit me. I mean, come on! I'm technically thirteen, but now I'm eighteen or something close to that.

I think the reason I need someone home with me is because of my random sugar highs.

Those can be dangerous.

So anyway, I gave them two hours so they could get out and back before the others came back. They rarely are allowed date nights, and if they are, Kai always wants to spy on them. This way, they actually got a night themselves.

Anyway, Jay chose miniature golf weirdly and they had a great time by the looks of things.

Nya kissed Jay. And it wasn't even their first kiss, but Jay sure acted like it was.

"Baby!" he sung into an invisible microphone, bowling at the top of his lungs as his voice cracked. "I'll always love you, to the moon!" He wiggled his butt and jumped over the couch. Unfortunately it wasn't by the couch, since we moved it, and he didn't get stuck.

"Jay!" I whined. "Stop!"

"Lloyd, you don't understand the love!" Jay sighed, doing some sort of curtesy, then dancing a romantic waltz with a broom he managed to pick out of a closet. "The kissing, the hugging, the hand holding, the..."

"STOP!" I howled. "NO MORE."

Jay rubbed my head and sighed again. "Love. It's such a magically thing." He did a low bow and continued dancing, hitting the couch and almost stumbling over nothing in his love sick blindness.

"It barfable!"

"I heard that!!"

"You were supposed to."

"Nya!" Jay did a karate chop. "I will fight for you!"

"You will lose," I muttered, putting the forgotten broom back into the closet. "Majorly."

"Nya!" He kissed the air weirdly, making him look like a duck, which he is. "I will win her the moon!"

"You're so fat you could be the moon!"

"Nya!" Jay smiled brightly, caressing the game remote. "I would give up the TV remote for her. All the video games in the world!"

"I wouldn't let you do that. No girl can be better than video games!"

"Nya," Jay breathed out slowly. "I could hold her, kiss her, and hug her all day."

"And in the end, Kai would kill you."

Lovesick Jay sighed, doing a pirouette, spun around the room, towards the door. 

But Nya stepped into the room as  he spun. He crashed into her, throwing her at me. I dodged the incoming girl quickly, letting her crash into the TV screen. I winced.

Not at Nya, but at Jays snarly voice.

"NOOOOO!" Jay cried, running toward the scene. Well actually, the screen. "My high scores!" he panicked. "GONE! RUINED!" He hung his head. "WHAT DID YOU DO, WOMAN?!"

Nya cried on the floor. I helped her up. "Nya, are you okay?"

She smiled through the tears at me. "I'm fine, but I don't know if my heart is."

My blood boiled. Any girl is better than video games!

"JAY!" I screamed. His head snapped upward to meet my eyes. "What happened to giving up video games for the love of your life?"

"It was a statement! It wasn't supposed to happen for real!" he howled. He hugged the screen. "I don't know if my heart can handle this disappointment!"

I don't know if I will ever understand Jay.

"WELL GET UP!" I ordered the blue ninja. He stood quickly at my tone. Nya stared in shock. "GO TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND." He walked to Nya, who laid sniffling on the floor after being flung through a room. "AND CARRY HER TO YOUR HEART."

I know, it was defiantly cliché, but who gives?

He carried her bridal style out of the room.

I smacked my forehead. The things I do for this couple. And what do I get in return?

Kai walks in, gasping in shock as if the world had crashed down around him. He held his heart then turned to me, face red.

"LLOYD, you idiot! How did you manage to break the TV screen this time?!"


Sorry for the short update.

questions and comments please. :)
Term tests this week :)

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