A Fake Play and Spray

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"Stuck on a wall? Give us a call?" A man knocked on our door, then entered. He glanced around the room, scanning Sensei on his chair, Cole and his cake, Kai raging and Jay freaking out, running around the room with his hands up, and Nya and I, stuck on a wall.

I glared at him.

He stared poker face at the scene and set his tool box down. "Okay. What seems to be the problem?"

"PROBLEM!?" I screeched. "IM STUCK ON A WALL!" (Okay, I found this hilarious)

"Oh!" The guy smirked and picked up a sledge hammer. "I'll take care of this!"

Me and Nya screamed our heads off, as the other ninja just stared at us with surprised looks. The man slowly approached, a crazed look in his gray eyes.

Remind me never to let Jay call a Stuck on the Wall guy again.

Wait. Remind me never to get stuck on a wall again. That would probably work better.

"WAIT!" Jay screamed, stopping the man from killing us and the wall. "I thought of the way to get them down!" 

Nya started sobbing with joy as the man packed up the sledge hammer and walked out the door, a scowl on his face.

Jay looked concerned, but I was furious, and probably scared him, so he kept going.

"Well, Kai's hair gel is slippery....."

He never finished.

"MY BABIES?" Kai howled. "You cannot use them against me!"

"Uh," Cole added. "They aren't going to be against you. They are going to unstuck Lloyd and Nya." He stuffed more cake in his mouth.

I often wondered, if he's a ghost, how can he eat without the food going through him?

Jay snatched the gel out of Kai's back pocket, (why he has it in there, I have no idea) and squirted it all over Nya and I.

It didn't work.

And I think I have some in my mouth.

That's pretty much putting Kai's hair in my mouth.

I spat and sprayed my slobber every where, covering Cole once again. He freaked.

"LLOYD GERMS! I'm scarred. Goodbye cake. Goodbye bed. Goodbye video games. Goodbye brothers and uh....my sister. " He melted  toward the ground. Sensei sighed and left the room, shaking his empty teacup. Obviously he didn't find this as weird as I thought it was. 

Then again, he did find me hiding under his bed with Cole, that fatty. And, I did throw macaroni in his face that one time. And he did see Jay cry like a little baby on the three legged training course. And....ya.

Good times.

I love the memories.

Anyway, Jay obviously thought that Cole was for real, not acting, and started sobbing. 

He's so dumb.

Zane and Kai smirked, both arms over their stomachs and watching the scene unfold.

"I'm not going to make it," Cole gasped, his lungs 'hungry' for air. Jay sobbed.

"Don't leave me Coley-boy!" he cried. "Who's going to steal Lloyds candy stash with me?!"

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