The One Point by Students and Pupils

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"COWABUNGA," Jay screamed. "We are free!" He threw his hands up and ran around the room in victory, doing a chest bump with Kai. It caused flames which burnt a bit of his hair, but Jay didn't even notice. Zane quickly put out the flame and we all nodded in silent agreement not to mention this to Jay.

"Move! You are in my way!" Cole grumbled, who was still trying to beat the level. And who was not noticing the whole incident. He stuck his tongue out a little and randomly pushed buttons on his remote, trying to look cool. "Why isn't my guy jumping?!"

Zane noted this odd behavior. "Cole, you are pressing the slide button instead of the jump one."

Jay paused mid-dance. "Wait, you are telling me that there is a slide button?!"

Cole, Zane, Kai, and I all stared at what we believe to be the worlds most biggest idiot.

"Um," Zane started. "Yes?"

Jay screamed in frustration and slammed his controller down into the couch, sitting and pouting.  "I didn't know that! I kept loosing hearts through those extreme levels because they were impossible to get through!"

Cole clicked buttons furiously.

I rolled my eyes. Of course Jay would be the idiot and not know about the slide button.

Sensei entered the room.

We all acknowledge him. Cole, on the other hand didn't. Neither did Jay, who was sitting on the couch next to Cole, going, "fall off this cliff. Run into the spike ball. Starve."

Apparently Cole was close to beating Jays high score.

Sensei cleared his throat. "Pupils and students-"

Jay interrupted him. "I still don't get that. Aren't pupils and students the same thing?"

I rolled my eyes again. "It's a saying idiot. Like how when people say 'the grass is always greener on the other side.'"

Jay stared at me.

I stared at him.

He stared more intensely, narrowing his eyes.

I did the same.

Zane spoke up. "Lloyd, I am not sure if that saying completely works in this context."

"Shut up, Zane. I know what I am talking about."

Jay gasped, narrowing his eyes and patting Zane on the back. "Lloyd! Don't you dare talk to my best friend like that!"

"Best friend?!"

Zane beamed.

"Ya! Best friend?!" Kai stepped forward, looking slightly offended.

Jay stuttered. "Uh. Well. Um. Uh."

Kai frowned. "I was supposed to be your best friend since you are dating my sister." He narrowed his gaze onto the trembling ninja in blue.

Cole jumped up, luckily interrupting the soon to be fight that was going to happen any second. "I BEAT JAYS HIGH SCORE!"

"WHAT?!" Jay freaked, shoving Cole, who was wiggling his butt in victory, aside, and rushing toward the screen.

He threw his remote in agony in sight of the scores.

NinjadeBlack: 10 839 129
BlueNyaLove: 10 839 128
Firehotness:    8   211 990
GreenisBomb: 7  345 679
SnowWhite:2 111 223

So as you can see with these scores, Cole and Jay defenantly play the most and are always battling for top spots.

Cole thought his name was French and Zane has to keep explaining to him when you add the word "de" it doesn't make it French.

Kai is pretty average, although that name is crazy. He just thinks he's hot. I'm the one with all the girls.

Jay? Obviously obsessed with Nya and the color blue. And this video game.

Zane? He doesn't play much. After all, there are 4 remotes and five of us. He's also not that good. He always is too late and ends up dying because we run ahead and he goes off the screen and dies. He also hasn't clued in that his name is a princess

Me? I don't need a good record. First, I'm the green ninja. Who needs a video game record?  Second, I'm too busy. And third, I would win everytime but Cole and Jay have cheated somehow and reprogrammed the game to their liking.

"ONE POINT!" Jay was moaning on the ground.

Cole resumed his boogie.

I rolled my eyes.

Jay sobbed.

Zane stared.

Sensei sighed.

And I'm pretty sure that Kai farted.

"One point! Wahhh!"

See what I mean? I don't have time for that dumb drama and game in my life.

I need time for all those babes. After all....



"Why? What did I do to deserve this punishment?"

Sensei snorted at his stupid student. Sorry. AHEM. Students. Cole is one too.

"Students and pupils," he began once again, eyeing us all.

"You know," Jay pointed out. "I still don't get that saying."




Hey!! Sorry for the lack of updates.



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