The Me Thingy That I am Now Doing at 6: 45 pm

293 13 24

Thanks Dazzling_Wisp2128 for this amazing and wonderful tag!

1: My Name.

Okay. It's Your Face.

Haha. Joking!

Actually it's Henrietta!

Nope, joking again!

It's Steve.

And some of you may ask me, "isn't that the mine craft name?" And I would be like "ya man." And you would be like "isn't that a guy name?" And I'll be like "ya man". And you would be like "aren't you a girl?" And I'll be like "ya man!"

So what did you learn from this?

I lied. My name isn't Steve. Or Greg. Or Peter. Or John. Or Ted. Or Fred. Or Christoph. Or Green Bean.

Not even Jelly Muffins!

The point is, I don't want to tell my name. But you can call me Alligator :)

Wow, right?

2: Pastel or Neon?

Is there even a choice?


What did the office worker say to the construction worker after midnight?


FOOLED YA, *does a boogie*. Anyway, pink is awesome when super bright so that one wins by a mile. Boring colors are boring.....shocker, right?

Like brown. (Barf) or gray (dies of disgust)

But black is cool. I like black. Oh ya.

I can just walk down the runway wearing black and everyone whispers, "wow, look at here wearing black!" And I'm like , "ya babes, (cue the hair flip) I know I'm hot!" Darth Vadar is hot.


Anyway, next question.

Bows or hats?

Hats are bleeeeeck! I don't like them at all. Except Cowboy hats because then I'm like ya no, totally Texas type. Howdy partners!

I'm joking. They don't actually talk like that......I think. At least, all people think Canadians always go 'eh' but that isn't true because so,some of my best friends are Canadian and they don't say it twenty four seven.

Maybe I should yell at them. Like "HEY! Some people expect you Canadians to say 'eh' so WHY ARNT YOU SAYING IT."

Ya. I would be kicked out of school because those Canadians are like....CANADA IS BEST. AMERICA SUCKS!

And I'm like 'no way dudes!' Americans rule the world.


Anyway, no offense to the crazy Canadians who have a dumb maple leaf on their flag. Like, WHY. WHY NOT A PALM TREE FOR HAWAII,?

Wait... Hawaii is in America. My bad....

*random boogie*  how did we get from bows and hats to Canadians?

(Remember, I lie, for those of you Canadians!!"
I like bows.
Demigods or Wizards?



Ownnnnnnnnnnnnnned questionnaire... Whoever u might be.


Leather or denim

Baby you light up the world like leather that's .....totally....lights up the world????

Wow. That didn't work. At all.

Anyway, leather baby.

Favorite number?'s between three and sixty four, but you can add seven to it and subtract two from it. You can't divide it by six, but you can by three. Two numbers timed each other equal it, besides one and itself, but if you add the two numbers it is still three away. Sometimes, it looks like another number if you look at it wrong.

First person who guesses the number gets a next shout out!

Second or last place?
Both. After all, I'm me!

......that means I'm awesome and good at the same time. Obviously. *eyeroll*

Actually, if you think about it, I am both. Because some races only have two people. So I could come in last or second the same time.

Owned. Eat that, garbage can.

Nah nahnahmahnah! Babbbbbyyyyy! *boogie dances*


.....after, I tag .....

My beloved sis and cousin who absolutely love doing these questionaires as much as I do!!!!

When we you get one, tag them in them because they adore the questions and love them from the bottom of there hearts, if they are not already shattered. (By me because I am the awesomest.)

Remember, I lie.

Not about being awesome though.


bluebajoons readingisbaexx


LloydLover_17 iLOVEurstorys lunasnightmare spinjitsu15

One more person......

Enjoy....cuzzies the second.


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