Chunkey Chins.

375 19 16

Zane and Kai snorted. "That's a stupid name!"

The kitty, I mean Platypus, growled and squinted her beautiful eyes at them. They laughed in her face!

Stupid laughing switch. It ruins everything.

I grumpily turned away, but not before Platypus scratched Zane across the face.

"GOOD PLATYPUS!" I cheered, kissing it's soft ears.

I held her to Kai's face. Maybe she would scratch and kill it like she did to Zane's face.

But nope. Platypus just purred in the freaking out Kai's face.

"KITTY GERMS! I'm contaminated!" he moaned. "I'll never be myself anymore!" He started walking into the wall. "See? My vision is already going! Next will be my hearing!"

"Wow, Kai." I rolled my eyes as he hit the couch.

"What was that Lloyd? I couldn't hear you!"

Oh my. He's taking it too far.  But then again....Kai always does.

Zane steered Kai toward the door, and the 'blinded' fire ninja walked out.

I slammed it closed. Platypus started meowing, as if crying, and lept out of my arms, scratching at the door.

"What's the matter, kitty?" Zane asked, reaching for Platypus. She scratched him and hissed, running and jumping in my arms. I laughed my evil laugh.

"BWAHAHA." Zane didn't look too happy, but whatever. He just huffed and walked back to the kitchen, muttering something about a 'stupid cat'.

I opened the door and Kai sprawled back inside. "Wow!" he gasped. "It's cold out there!"

"No duh, " I told him. Platypus meowed and jumped into Kai's arms.

"Hey!" I whined. "Give me my kitty back!"

Kai screamed. "Get it off me! Ah! Stupid cat!" Platypus just kept purring and rubbing her gorgeous fur in Kai's face.

Kai threw her out the door.


"MY CAT!" I screamed bloody murder. "PLATYPUS!!" I ran outside, trying to find the little kitty.

Kai was right. It was icy cold out. I should have known better than to run outside in my pajamas. If Kai, the ninja of fire, says it's cold, don't go outside. Kai barely ever gets cold.

I think I'm freezing. My bare toes were touching the frozen, icy cement. I hope I don't slip.

I find Platypus in a garbage bin and quickly take her out. She's meowing softly, cuddling into my arm. My frozen arm. My going to fall off soon, arm.

And then I book it back to the Bounty.

I slam my fists against the locked door. "Kai! KAI!" My ears tingled, trying to reach some sort of warmth. What is it? Minus twenty! Thirty?!

"Not by the hairs of my chunky chin chin," he answers boldly and loudly.

And I was like "Whaaa? Kai, I didn't even say let me in!" I started uncontrollably shaking and hopped from one foot to the next.

"Oh," came the quiet, muffled reply. "It's the cat I tell you! It messed up my hearing!"

"And your brain," I retorted, blowing onto my hands to keep them warm. "It's chinney chin chin, not chunky!" How can anyone mix up the story of the three little pigs? That's like mixing up Snow Black! Oh...wait a second...

There was silence and I shuffled my feet quickly back and forth. "No!" he hollered. "Now it's my memory!" He started sobbing.

I rolled my eyes and pounded my hands on the door. "Kai! Just open the door! Let me in!"

Platypus meowed, as if agreeing with me. I doubt Kai heard it though, because he is going deaf.

As well as brainless.

"Not by the hair of my chunky-chinney chin chin!" he answered. "Did I say it right?"

"I don't care!" I yelled. My nose was loosing feeling, and my feet were already solid. I could make shapes in the air with my breath. I slumped down the door.

"Fine!" Kai moaned. The door slid open.

"T-thanks," I chattered. My teeth started clicking and chattering uncontrollably. Kai's firm face showed compassion and he quickly herded me into the game room. I snatched some blankets and curled into a ball on the couch, Platypus weakly meowing beside me.

Kai wrung his hands. "Sorry, kid! I forgot how cold it was out! I don't feel it and- oh, I'm so dumb!"

He clenched his fist together and placed some fire into the goldfish bowl. The water started boiling, and he put it by my feet.

I slowly moved and put my feet in it.


I hope they don't burn....

I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep. 


Sorry for the bad chapter guys......:(



Anyway, please comment and tell me what you liked!

Question: Do you sleep upstairs or downstairs?

I sleep upstairs in the attic, which is huge. So big, that I moved bluebajoons and my other sister, banana, up with me.

Gtg. Still have to do math homework.....

I'm telling you, these teachers don't believe you have a life.

Groan.  There all like "I didn't have time to mark on the weekend so you can't get your assignments back ...." And we're like "we didn't have time for homework on the weekends so you don't get that back...." And BAM we get a detention, but they get nothing.

It's not fair

Then again....Life isn't fair.

Peoples, I am telling you now.

There is such a thing as taco pizza.

P-I-Z-Z-A ...don't forget it!

ALLIGATOR NOW. I mean out. Haha

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