How Did We Get Here, Non Ugly?

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"Lloyd! Time to go!"

I moaned and moved slowly out of my igloo of blankets, now laying around me, all bundled up.

I really wanted to go to the homeless shelter to volunteer and to hand out the baking which I totally baked. "I'm ready!" I yelled hoarse.

Jay came in the room. "You don't sound like your well enough to go, Lloyd! Maybe you should stay hom--"

I covered his mouth with my hand as fast as I could. Jays eyes were wide as I shushed him.

"I want to go."


I covered his mouth again and whispered very quietly into his ear. "I'm going." There was no way I am staying home.

He nodded.

BWHAHAHA. Feel the power, Jay. Feel the power. Sensei taught me how to do that. He warned me never to use it on my teammates though. I wonder why? It seemed to work well.

Nya walked into the room, doing that sway that she does, and Jay turned all googly eyes as usual.

"H-hey Nya!" I'm pretty sure she gets the same response from Jay whenever she saw him. Wow, that would get annoying.

"Ready to go Lloy-- JAY! What are you wearing!?" That's a good question! What is Jay wearing?

I looked over and burst out laughing. Jays shirt was the one I had got him last summer. The, 'if you need to barf, barf on blue.'  I, personally, loved it. It reminded me of Jay. Kai, of course, went stomping out of the room when I gave it to Jay, claiming he found it first.

Of course he didn't. I did!
....after he pointed it out too me.

But what ever.

"You can't wear that!" Nya rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Especially with that big orange juice stain!"

"I wonder who made that stain?" I eyes Nya accusingly, wanting the confession and wanting justice. "You ruined his shirt! That's wasting Jays money!"

"What do you mean, 'Jays money'?" Jay asked,  walking closer to me. I gulped.

Yes, folks. I may or may not have used Jays money against him. Hey! It wasn't my fault I was the worlds best pickpocket! Kai claims he is but everyone knows it's me.

....even if Kai taught me.

Anyway, Nya was stubborn and not moving an inch. "Jay, go get a different shirt on!"

Jay grumbled. I copied Nya and crossed my arms, puffing out my lower lip and frowning. "Jay!" I mimicked.



"Stop it!"

"Stop it!"

"Lloyd is a loser."

"Nya is a Nya-ER"

"What is that?" Nya asked, confused. I did an victory grin. I out did her again!

"That's the first thing I could think of that started with the same letter of your name! I needed something bad, not like 'Nya is nice.'"

Nya humphed. "'Nya is a Nya-ER' shouldn't be bad! Unless you don't like Nya."


"'Nya is nice' is okay," Nya agreed on my example. "Why didn't you say that?"

"Well, " I retorted. "Why didn't you say 'Lloyd is lovely?'" Because duh! I am!

I am the best.

Nya sighed and rolled her eyes, something she's doing a lot lately.  "Because your not lovely!" My heart. Broken. Shattered. Gone. Well, not really since it's still here and beating and keeping me alive. But that's beyond the point.

My voice cracked and I cleared my throat. "Well, you're not nice!"

Nya stomped her foot. "Yes I am!" Wow. Stubborn woman. All the same.

"No you're not!" I mimicked again, just to get on her nerves. And guess what?

It worked. As always.

"Yes I am!"

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"Oh ya!? Name some things you are that start with an 'N' !" Owned. This comeback was going to get her.

"Nya has a lot of nice words that go with her. Like, 'nice' and 'new' and 'neat' and 'normal' and 'non-ugly' and...."

Let me just tell you one thing. That was not Nya. That was Jay, the stupid head that ruined my moment of triumph. "Did I ask you?" I screamed. Jay shrunk back.

Nya rubbed her temple and suddenly looked a lot tired than before. "Whatever! How did we even get in this conversation?" She sighed again and looked at Jay. "Just go change your shirt."

I nodded with agreement and Jay scattered into the hallway, already in the process of taking off his shirt. That left Nya and I in the silence. Alone.

Until a crash came from the hallway. Jay, who was trying to take off his shirt while he was running, had crashed.

"Well," he admitted. "There goes Coles supper chair! What's it doing in the hallway in the first place!?"

Nya cringed back. "Wasn't Cole trying to fix a light bulb?"

I here another voice. "Help!"  My guess is that that was Coley-boy, probably hanging off the roof.

Oh well. Let him hang.

Nya sighed and starts going down the hall to help Cole. Then she turned toward me again.

"And you get changed too, Lloyd!"

I looked down at my pajamas. "Awe! Why?"


Sorry for the bad update! I have been overloaded with homework before exams! Not a nice feeling I tell you! Baaaad update!

Or a Nya-ER.

Question: think of more nice words that start with 'N'. It is hard. That's why I had words like 'normal' and ' non-ugly' I there. Haha.

That's all folks.

Comment please. I want feedback. I need it. Comment. Please. I'm begging u. Tell me what u liked about this chapter!


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