The Magic Carrot

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We reached Ninjago prison right as the truck was delivering the prisoner, Kai. Good timing? I'll say!

Kai wasn't even in his jail cell yet!! I wonder if he would get a picture or something on his walls to keep him from going crazy.

"Kai!" Nya rushed forward, a sobbing mess and hugged her brother. Kai had his arms behind his back so all he could do to contribute to the hug was put his head on her shoulder.


A flash went off.

"Zane, do you mind?" Jay snapped. "You just ruined the perfect brother/sister moment!"

"Sorry, Jay. I was just trying to catch the moment."

"Well, catch the moment an other time!"

"But this works perfect in my 'memory' scrapbook!"

"An other time, Zane!"

The guard pushed Nya away. I stared at him. It was the same man with the mustache. "Nobody must touch or speak with the prisoner!"

"I'm his sister!"

"That still makes you a nobody."

Nya gasped. Jay stepped forward, shoving Nya behind him as he puffed out his chest.

"Now look here, you big, fat, no good guard! You can't speak to my girl-"

The guard towered over him, mustache looming. "And you are a nobody too."

Jay squeaked. "Y-y-yes s-sir." He gulped and stepped behind Nya, putting her in front of him.

Nya rolled her eyes. "My hero!"

Zane snapped a picture.

I boldly stepped forward toward Kai, who looked terrified behind the mustache man, who has a lot more muscles then I remember.

I never got to speak. Why? No, I wasn't tongue twisted. Or hoarse. The guard had spoken first.

"Are you going to insist you aren't a nobody as well?"

I shook my head and before I could respond, he again opened his yap.

"Hey! I remember you! You were the accomplice!"

My eyes went wide and I searched for an excuse. "No, that, uh, that wasn't me! That was, uh, my twin brother!"

The guard looked surprised. "There are two of you nobody's?"

I snapped my fingers and tried to laugh. "Wouldn't you know it?"

Nya squeaked and Jay looked ready to faint. Zane snapped a picture. Wait a second....

Where was Cole?

Mustache man shrugged and I lost all thoughts before hand. "Okay."

Zane approached. "Sir," he politely spoke. "May you release our friend unto us? There seems to be a misunderstanding. Kai didn't mean to take whatever he took."

The guard did a belly laugh. "Nothing you could say or do would convince me otherwise. What I saw looked like shoplifting to me."

Kai pulled out a carrot. "What if I gave you this? Huh? Big guy? Nobody can resist a carrot."

The guard squinted. "I ain't a nobody, but if they can resist a carrot, so can I!"

I strutted forward. "But this is a special carrot! Just look at it! Orange to perfection, the right amount of green on top, and the perfect size!"

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