Sensei Staff: Missing.

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Coles POV. (My ten year old brother wrote this for me. He worked on it this Sunday and last. Comment a lot to make him happy!!)

So, here am I, in a jungle. The jungle that Lloyd and Garmadon where in. I have no clue what it's called.

They said it's like taberith or tabitath or something. Anyway after the other ninja flew off in the Bounty, they left me behind.

So here I am bored out of my mind wondering if they're coming back.

"Hello?" I cried out "is anyone there?"

No answer. "I know this is all a joke." I screamed. "Any minute now you guys are going to jump out and scare all the chocolate cake out of me." I listened for some sort of sound, by all I got was the growling of my stomach.

I held my belly. "I shouldn't have ate so much this morning."

Zane's cooking is amazing. My belly started to growl again. Just the thought of cake made me hungry.

I started to climb a tree maybe I could see something from up there.

I was about half way up when these crazy monkeys at the top started throwing bananas, coconuts and other things at me. A banana smacked me in the nose.

I fell down but grabbed a tree branch at the last second.

I shook my fist at them "Stupid chimps!!!" I shrieked. Hoping down from the tree branch and moving along, I decided to make some lunch by  using my cooking skills. A buffet sounds nice.

I collected some fruit and fresh water from a spring.

Twenty minutes later I was sitting in a pile of ash and rotten fruit and another banana hitting my face.

"What happened?" I thought out loud.  "I was nicely cooking the papaya when BOOM! The coconut exploded out of nowhere!"

I looked around me as suddenly there was a loud engine noise. It sounded like..... THE BOUNTY.

I looked up there was Kai looking over the side.

"COLE!" The hothead shouted "YOU'RE ALIVE!"

I puffed out my chest. "Of course I am," I said. "I risked my life through nature's hardest difficulties."

"Ya ya ya" Kai interrupted my speech of wonderfulness. "Hop on."

A chain fell from the Bounty and dangled in the wind as the soft putter patter of rain started to fall.

I jumped and grabbed the chain climbing up it like a ladder.

I was almost at the top when Jay and Lloyd's heads piped out and dumped a gallon of water on my face. Apparently they were in the joking mood, although I almost DIED when the left me alone.

I couldn't see but I heard lots of laughs and giggles coming from the Bounty.

Climbing on the ship I punched Jay and Lloyd sending them sprawling.

Now that, that was funny! While I was crying with tears of laughter on the ground, Lloyd and Jay made a run for it.

"Wow," I thought aloud. I seem to do that a lot lately. "They were real scared."

Lloyd, The Green Ninja Blog #2Where stories live. Discover now