Invisible Walls

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Nyas POV
"Kai no!" The air seemed to rush from my lips as time slowed. An invisible wall arose from the ground, made by man, separating us into two separate bubbles. The one on the left, red. The other side, blue. I was in the red one.

Kai yelled something from his area but I could not hear him. He said something else. "I can't hear you!" I shouted to him.  He slumped.

A day went by. My bubble was bigger than his and I spent a while exploring it. There were different areas. But soon, certain rooms were shutting down. The same happened with his bubble.

"Why is this happening?" he mouthed to me. I pressed my hand on the invisible wall and he did the same.

We were so close but yet we couldn't touch.

"I am not sure," I mouthed back.

Rooms of mine kept shrinking and soon I was in an area that I could just walk a few steps around in. Kai was in the same boat and I watched as tears welled up in his eyes. But he didn't cry. Not yet. Not like me. I don't think I've stopped.

Then, weeks passed by. The bubble stayed the same. Where was our freedom? Why was this happening? Kai and I could sort of have conversations but I could not fully understand or capture anything he was telling me. After all, I was so close but yet so far.

Months passed. A year anniversary came.
And then, something amazing happened. At least to Kai. Being trapped in a bubble that small when someone wants freedom; it does something to you.

"My rooms are opening again!" Kai exclaimed to me. This time I didn't yell 'what!?'

I could see the excitement on his face. And so he left me for a while. He went to check out the rooms once again. If anything, I felt more suffocated. I pressed my forehead to the wall.

I would give anything to be with my brother again.


The next day a little 'error' occurred. Something went wrong with the walls and there was one spot that had a small hole. I could fit my hand through the hole and Kai could grab it. The physical contact was amazing and I begged him not to let go. It was like my life line.

My rooms were still not open. But now we could understand each other.  Stories were shared and laughs flew across the invisible barrier but still. Will the connection ever be the same as it was before? These laughs slightly hurt, knowing that we still couldn't actually visit each other.

Although I am thankful for that hole in the wall.

Kai's rooms were all open now. He had a movie theater, pools, etc. He said that a few had a weird rule that he needed to trim his eyebrows before entering but like he said, who really knows if he did or not.

It was just a stupid rule.

I would trim my eyebrows to get more freedom in a heartbeat. I don't care how short they needed to go. I just wanted my brother.

His bubble was now full of sunshine and happiness and I was scared he might forget me stuck on this side. Sometimes we wouldn't talk for days. My bubble didn't get any bigger. If anything, the walls grew sharp.

I need freedom. I need my family. I am suffocating. Who made these invisible walls in the first place? So what if Kai is in the blue and I am in the red. Why can we not be together?

Water Ninja O-U-T.

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