Nya is Sick (Part 2)

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Zane tried to settle everyone down. "Guys, Nya needs sleep!"

Nya coughed, just to prove a point. Really? Like really?


Kai slapped his face and turned toward his future brother in law most likely. "It was never a tsunami, Jay!" He was running around with his hands up.

I moaned. "Oh no! Jays sick too! Now he's imagining things." Cole turned white, looking as if someone had trashed his beloved cake. Or as if somebody had done something worse then trashing it. Eating it.

Nope, it wasn't true that it was trashed or eaten. Unless it's trashed in my stomach.

Which if probably is, since I ate it.

Don't tell that fatty. It helps him loose weight. I'm doing him a favor.

"Oh dear," Cole shivered.


"Jay, sit down!" Zane ordered, scanning his friend. Obviously his heart rate was way up! And I didn't even need a scanner to figure that out!

Nya snored.

I picked up Jay and placed him next to the sleeping Nya, who was gracefully snoring, if that is such a thing. And let me tell you, that was no easy job of picking him up. We should use him as weights on the obstacle course.

Kai moaned and rubbed his head. "How did he even get the tsunami in the first place?"

Cole rushed to the other side of the room, the fastest I had ever seen him fun. Obviously, he ran fast because he only wanted to shove the medicine down Jays throat with the spoon. "Here comes the medicine!"

"Not the spoon!" Jay screamed in terror. I watched as Zane finished the scan and sighed.

"Jay is sick too." Those words will haunt me for the rest of my life. Actually no, I'm happy about this. Now I can win every single video game I play against Kai, without Jay ruining every chance I get.

Nya the snuggled into Jay, who was on the bed. Kai threw his hands up.

"Great! Whose gonna be sick next?"

"Nobody ate the candy except those two," I growled. "My candy." Stupid people. That will teach them.

"I am not sick!" Jay coughed. Jays stubbornness. Maybe he will loose his voice and never talk again. We can only hope.

Zane turned to Cole, who was looking a little green at being so close to sick people. "Bring in the medicine!"

Cole wasn't moving, so Kai, ready to torture Jay, ran forward, snatching the medicine from Cole. "Move out of the way! Coming through!" He crashed and sent the medicine flying, landing all over Jays shirt.

He screamed.

I grabbed the jar, with a little medicine left, and slowly poured it into the spoon. "Here comes the medicine! Choo choo!" I made a sound like a train and started the spoon toward Jay's mouth.

Nya snored and snuggled a little more into Jay, while Cole still didn't say anything.

Jay didn't open his mouth for me. "Open wide like a good little Jay Jay!" He still didn't open. Bad, little Jay Jay.

Jay cried. "No! I'm not sick!" Tears poured down his cheeks.

Kai rolled his eyes. "That proves it!" He flinched as his sister coughed in her sleep. He forced open Jays mouth and roughly shoved the spoon inside.

Jay choked it down. Then, he fell asleep as fast as a light bulb shutting off.  Him and Nya snuggled.

Kai went nuts. "AH, no! THEY CANNOT CUDDLE."

Jay had a creepy smile on his face, making me shutter and get goosebumps. "But he's so happy," I protested. Jays smile got bigger and he kissed his pillow.

Kai started to separate them. "No! No! No! No! No!"  He was halted by Zane. I laughed evilly.

"Kai, happiness is the best medicine, so if we want them to get better, they need to cuddle."

I snorted. "That is the worst lie I have ever heard!" I laughed, and then paused, my laughter fading as I saw Zane frowning at me and Cole doing one of those weird death slices on his throat. "I mean, uh, that isn't a lie, it's the truth! Haha ya..."

Silence was around.


Until Kai exclaimed, "but you said lie!"

Cole jumped in. "He mixed up his words! You know Lloydikins. Always making stupid mistakes." He smiled at me widely and Kai stared suspiciously.

I smiled through clenched teeth, ready to rip the guts out of Cole. "Ya. I make so many mistakes. Heh heh." 

Kai watched me and I tried to smile, but I bet it looked like I was going to murder Cole, because, well, I was.

"Fine," he gave in. "Lie and truth....I guess I could mix up those words too."

Of course he could. He's Kai. I would never though.

After all,

I am The Best.



Hey guys! Me again! Yay I'm back! More updates! And school is starting this Tuesday. So.....more updates? Maybe ;)

Any questions for me, don't be scared to ask. ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL. OKAY, APPROPRIATE ONES LOL.

And I read every single comment. So please, comment a lot on ANYTHING. it totally makes my day. I love it.

Thank you Springtrap6768 for all those wonderful comments! Omw I laughed at most of them. I love it. And SelinaEF too. One of your conversations on comments I almost died. _LadyEmerald_


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