(Chpt.6-06) The Breaking Point👿

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"You still fucked someone else Jay! I can be mad about that though right? I'm not even mad....., I'm more hurt than anything. I know I kissed Ramone but I would've never let him hit. But you--you were inside her and everything. Did you kiss her too?"

I looked away guilty, knowing damn well that girl had us kissing. "I um-"

She started crying even more from seeing my facial expression. I felt so bad for making her cry like this, and now she was really breaking down. She couldn't even look at me anymore.

"I'm so sorry..." I said, sounding sad myself.

"Why--.........would you do this to me.....I loved you Jay" she looked up crying

That's when N'cara came out to us, watching Dyme cry her heart out against the wall.

"Babe I'm sorry,....I love you too" I said.

"Oh really Jacob?" N'cara questioned me, stepping up in my face.

"Yes really, regardless of what we did" I told her.

"Oh so now you wanna act like that because she around? I thought you was done with this bitch, especially from the way you had me on the bed" she chuckled, folding her arms.

Dyme cried more, covering her face before she turned to the wall completely.

"Yo can you stop! Just go back in there!" I yelled at N'cara.

I tried to rub Diynara's back but she quickly nudged me off. "Baby I'm sorry okay, please stop crying and just talk to me. At least let me explain myself please"

"No....--you slept with her......, you cheated on me--.....you really cheated on me" she cried to me.

"Yeah and he did it raw too" N'cara laughed.

.....Man. After N'cara said that, Dyme went off. She stood up straight and knocked her back into the double doors, causing her to fall hardly on the floor and hit her head I think. Then Dyme charged up to her and started kicking her in the face......, even with her Timberlands on🙊😬

"Dyme.....Dyme stop!...stop!" I tried pulling her off by picking her up completely.

That sadly turned into me getting attacked my damn self.

"Ah....okay!" I yelled, feeling them hard puches to the face really start to f*ck me up.

I released her by then but she still came for me, cornering me against the wall while she punched the shit out of my face. Landing one to my eye and hardly to my jaw flawlessly.

My pops neva said to hit a girl but I wasn't about to let her whoop my ass in front of all these people. So I got up and countered one of her hits to hold on to her wrist, getting her to stop before I pushed her away.

"I fucking hate you!" she screamed at me, still crying.

Her friends came out to hold her back, until some of the teachers and staff came out to book us all.


Now me and Diynara are in the principal's office, here for fighting of course while they already suspended N'cara. Diya on the other hand was sitting next to me and slumped over to cry in front of both me and the principal.

....I must've really hurt her by this,...she hasn't stop crying since she found out. I just felt like the biggest asshole in the world right now. I was embarrassed, ashamed,...sad and confused. My eye was swollen up black and purple from her hits a few minutes ago and even my lip was a little busted from the impact. So I was the biggest dunce sitting in this bitch, listening to the one I love cry because my stupid-ass hurt her all over again.

*Sound of Dyme crying*💔

"Miss Taylor,.....I'm a need a reason hun. Why were you two fighting this afternoon?"

"He cheated on me.......and with a girl who used to be a close friend of mine too" She said, sniffing.

"Babe I didn't know she was ya friend-- I'm just finding out her real name wasn't even N'cara" I turned my whole body towards her, only because I couldn't look over from my eye being as swelled as it was. ...she fucked me up too😬😔😞💢

"Jay just please stop lying to me....., why do you wanna keep making things worse. Isn't me crying my heart out proof that I'm hurt enough? Or do you not care?......." she looked at me, still crying and eyes red.

"Baby I do care about you" I looked down.

"I'm not your baby anymore Jay. Not anymore" she said by giving me the hand.

"Dyme please--"

"Mm mm" she shook her head. "I'm done okay. I'm sorry I kissed him but what you did.........is just so hurtful. *she cries* I still wanted you, even still after all the bullshit we've been through. I cried for you because I missed you, and when I finally come out and told you how I felt. This is how you repay me?. After I told you I'd do anything to get you back, after everything me and you been through. You'd go out and....put your shit in someone else. Knowin' I still loved you........right. ......But I guess that wasn't good enough...." she cried.

"Babe--I'm so sorry..." I still tried to say, holding back my own tears.

"Mr, I'm sorry but I just can't be here anymore. ....I can't look at him. Just suspend me, expel me...whatever. I just--I just wanna go home"

"Dyme please talk to me,...we can get through this babe. I know we can because I still love you too"

"Fuck you yo, ....love ain't just a word. When I say I love you, I fucking love you. I would give you my last, stand by your side no matter what, always be there for you,...I'd never try to hurt you, I'll be right the fuck there for you. Hug you. Kiss you. Fuck you. Give my body only to you. Aid you. Care for you. Cater to you. Serve you. Be your shoulder to cry on. Be your fucking mother because you missed your fucking own.........., but I'm done. So go ahead and be with ya little side hoes now since ya main is no longer your main. I hope it was all worth it to you..." she stood to her feet.

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Q: Who seen this coming?😭👀

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