"This was our first home we moved into."

I look to Harry's Dad, his grey hair semi-short atop his head as he has a bit of grey stubble on his face as well. The years shows in his face, but he doesn't move as slow.

His eyes then falls onto the vase that is stood on the dining table that he shows us to sit at.

"The tulips."

Harry speaks up, his voice still low as he follows behind me as I look from him to the tulips in the glass vase.

"Your Mom's favorite flower. I still keep her around."

Oh, yes, I remember. Harry has his own garden in his home, her flowers still there.

I sit down as Harry slowly does the same, the line between his brows very apparent as I couldn't tell what emotions were running through him at this moment when he saw the white tulip.

"So..." I start as they're both sat at the table now. Me on the end, Harry on my side, and his Dad opposite of him. "Are you staying here?"

"For now? Yes... I have no other choice."

His Dad replies as his sad eyes are on me, Harry doesn't look too much like his Father, but there are certain pulls on him.

His blue eyes then falls onto Harry, who still has his eyes on the flower with his arms crossed on the table, his body leaning forward.

"It's good to see you again, son."

He mentions to Harry as it forces out an emotionless chuckle from Harry as he turns his face away and then leans into the chair.

"That's funny." His Dad keeps quiet as I could tell that it hurt him to see Harry's reaction, but he had to know that it was coming. "Do you even have the right to call me your son after all these years of not even being there for me? For lying about your death?"

"I didn't lie-"


Harry shouts out so loudly as he bangs his hand onto the wooden table as it makes me jump up and it had the same effect on his Dad as well.

Silence fills the air this time as Harry's Dad looks down in disappointment.

"Harry, I know that you're upset with me... But this wasn't my choice."

"You're here, in the same city as I am, for all of these years - yet - this isn't your choice?"

Harry cocks his head at him as he squints his eyes and then leans back into his chair before roughly brushing his hair out from his face.

"I had to keep me, 'being alive', private."

"And for what?"

Harry lets out in annoyed tone of voice as he crosses his arms over his chest this time, looking as though he is about to leave at any given moment.

(Start song)

"To protect you and Gemma!"

Harry cusses under his breath as I knew that if I don't step in right now, this won't lead anywhere.

"From who?"

His Dad's eyes lands onto me as he almost looks scared to answer me.

"Jack Christians."

My brows lifts as I look to Harry who also has his eyes on his Dad this time in curiosity.

"Jack Christians? ... As in-"

Aflame - (Heated's Sequel) - [A Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now