(Chpt.5-05) Steady Fallin'☺️

Start from the beginning

"Yeah but....what's going on?"

"You wanna go home?" she asked.

"I mean yeah of course but it's only 2nd period.."

"So? We're going home early today, I need a nap or something. Come on.."

I followed her into the hallways and over to our locker section, mine specifically. I cracked open my code and got my bookbag out to toss it on to my back before....

"Mm Mm. Leave it here" she said, pulling it back off.


"Because,....we can't look like we're ditching outside, then we'll get caught" she explained.

I tossed my book bag right back into my locker and all of my books with it. Taking out my keys and my phone to put em in my hoodie pocket instead. After that, she pulled me quickly down the halls again, bringing us to a dead end with a window above.

"Help me up" she whispered.

"We couldn't just go out the back?"

"No! The guards are on patrol back there"

I looked around nervously. "Babe I don't know about this–"

"Jay come on, don't be a pussy"

I sucked my teeth and lifted her up against the wall, seeing her unlock the window and push it open. She climbed up wall with no problem and crawled out through the window before bending back down. I grabbed her hand and climbed up the wall too, getting my fingers on the ledge before...

"Hey! What are you two doing!"

"Aw shit come on!" Dyme said, pulling me out with her.

"Agh, damn my back" I whimpered, holding my back as I got up on my feet again.

"Get back here!" The guard yelled.

"Run babe!" she laughed, darting off into the lot.

"Wait girl!"


Now we were on the bus safe and sound and on the way back to my place. We had a double seat to ourselves and kind of a long ride to go since I ain't have my car today. Adri wanted to borrow it to go...God knows where, but she said she'll buy me something in return. She's my responsibility so,...

"You run like a girl" Diya said, leaning over to lay on me and playing with my nose.

"Oh shut up, a nigga almost broke his back tryna get away. Because somebody wanna be a bad girl today"

"You love it though" she looked up at me.

"Yeah......*sighs* I do, but I know what chu' like" I pushed her up against the wall to bite at her neck.


"What? You was doing all that shit earlier, think I forgot?" I gripped her up.

"Mmm, so you aggressive now"

"You love it though"

She smirked. "I do. But come on, we're in public. Lemme lay on you" she whined, crawling right back to lay her head on me.

I wrapped my arm around her and decided to chill again, taking in the moment to just...sit with my girlfriend on the bus. Minutes went by and neighborhoods were passed from looking out the window. And before I knew it, she had fallen asleep on me.

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