Chapter 20: Waterfall

Start from the beginning

"That moron! I tried to tell him!" cursed the chief angrily.

"Stretch you arm as far as you can!" ordered Robin and Luffy let out a confused noise.

"But I can't see down there!"

"It's all right. Leave it to me! Ojos Fleur!"

Robin closed her eyes and Luffy continued to stretch his arm. You all watched in anticipation, a feeling of worry creeping in your stomach. Then:

"There he is!" said Robin.

"Eh?! Where?!"

"Veinte Fleurs!" Luffy let out a startled noise and the woman smiled. "Okay! Pull him up!"

"You got him? Okay!" smiled Luffy, shrinking his arm.

Your captain gritted his teeth, having a hard time to pull the sniper back up. And when he finally did it, Sea Kings were with with him. A huge octopus with a serpent appeared and Nami screamed loudly.

"THINGS CAME WITH HIM!" yelled out Luffy.

"It's nothing to be that afraid of!" grunted the swordsman, jumping high to slash down the octopus.

With a powerful kick, Sanji knocked out the other Sea King. After pulling it out the water:

"This is one strange creature...I'm not even sure if it's a fish..." said the chief, looking up and down at the Sea King.

"That octopus felt like a balloon" said Luffy.

"It was definitely an animal. It was moving" stated the swordsman.

"I can't believe things live in clouds" mumbled Nami.

"Perhaps we should think of this as an ocean rather than clouds" suggested Robin.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard the loud scream of Usopp, who finally came back to life. Sanji clicked his tongue, jumping down from the railing of the Going Merry:

"Dammit! What is it this time, Usopp?!"

"My pants! There was something in'em!" he told the chief, pulling out a fish from them. After that, he pulled himself into a fetal position and started to mumble about sky island being scary.

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