Chapter 36: I Hate him.

Start from the beginning

"You're currently looking like an obese pig Kiara, so stop scowling and cheer up Sista" mused Arthur sarcastically, as I scowled back at his comment.

"Dare you call me that again, cause next time if I hear that word from your mouth I'm killing you. Do you understand the seriousness of this situation, your Dad blasted this bomb in front of you that I'm your step sister, do you have any sane idea what does that mean, it means your precious little Daddy cheated your mother behind her back, and that to had another child with someone else." I practically screamed at him, but he was unfazed. He was busy driving the car and blowing a whistle.

"How unfortunate of you to get stuck up with such a sexy Step brother like me, though little sister you better behave cause if Dad would be here right now he wouldn't have tolerated your illicit comments" he grinned at me as he looked at me amusingly.

"Dad my foot, he is no father to anyone. A man like him should rot in dungeons for the amount of sins that he have committed; as a matter of fact you're also no saint. Currently by kidnapping me you're being a partner in crime too" I growled, to which Arthur smirked at me, as he held me in his sight, his icy blue eyes didn't help the situation much. They are so clear and so pure, yet he share's the blood of that monster who has committed this sin to father another child outside of his marriage, now that I would Mya Trystine will react to this unforeseen news, that poor lady should now bear the fruits for being so lenient with her husband.

Trust me if I would be a wife in future, I'll make sure to tame my other half, eventually I'll be loyal enough to him and only him.

"I wonder how well your mother takes the news" I spoke out my thoughts, as I saw from afar, finally the Trystine's house nearing in, as expected it was on the richer side of the town, where people had huge houses with amazing green gardens and lawns outside giving its own euphoria of bliss, apparently Trystine Ville was itself the biggest estate here. We drive through the big open gate's as Arthur drive towards the main entrance.

From the news that I have heard, Trystine family lives in a one big house, it homed James Trystine and his late brother Adam Trystine along with his mother and father. However after the death of James Trystine father 'Andrew', his mother shifted back towards their hometown, which is in England.

And yes Trystine's are half English, though Late Mr Andrew Trystine that is eventually my grandpa, shifted here in America since past decade.

As a matter of fact, I haven't yet accepted my fate, if one thinks that I have finally accepted that James Trystine is my father then they are so wrong, because I hate that man every second he forces his decisions on me. And taking me forcefully with him, not only gives fuel to my fire, but literally wrote his death wish for himself.

"If you think Kiara, that I haven't being noticing this from past few hours than little sister you're so damn wrong. Quit scratching your paws to the lock, it won't even bulge"

I was shocked, but nevertheless he got to notice some way or another. As a matter of fact he addressed my lock picking tools as scratching; currently I have created a big gash of hole on one of the car doors, trying to open the freaking door.

No doubt that my little scratching would now cost, Mr James Trystine a fortune repairing back, but what can I say, after all I'm his little baby. Can't he forgive me for this petty little crime?

Like hell I was even planning to jump out of this running car, by opening the doors, but I wish it could have bulged open, cause currently it is fixed as a slate, I wish I could have a stone, the least harm that I can do right now is to pelt down the stones on the windows of the car and set the car alit with Arthur Trystine in it.

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