Chapter 50: Drunken truths

Start from the beginning

"Yea. Took photos. He said 'if you tell---"

Putting a finger to his lips Greg forced himself to stop, "shhh".

I asked him what the man said but he continued shaking his head. Annoyance grew within, "Look your already in shit. Your life has already gone so far down the hill that you can never get back up. It's not as if telling me will make it any worse!"

He started making an mmh sound. As if he was contemplating it. "You can't tell Connor this."

"What are you talking about I'm..." I paused. Greg was drunk, at some point in the conversation he had obviously forgotten who I was. Sober Greg didn't want me finding out. This would be my only chance, so I went along with it, "Fine, I won't tell Connor."

Mad man looked at me. "Okay I'll tell you what happened."

Gwen's POV:

Connor up and left. Not warning or anything.

I remained on the floor for ten minutes after he went. Hoping, just hoping that he would come back. I knew however that he wouldn't.

My phone went off.

I took it and turned on the screen. Giving no hope that it would be Connor. The ringtone was generic so I knew that it wouldn't be him. The screen rang again. That number hadn't rung in a while, I once might have got excited but not this time. I brought it to my ear.

"Gwen. Hey."

I breathed in. Not caring, "Yeah?"

The voice instantly caught my attention but I didn't let it phase me. He continued with what he had to say, "Look, Matthew told me about you and Connor. I just wanted to congratulate you on the engagement."

"It's over."

"What?" his tone dropped in horror.

I bit my lip, "Look Rory, Travis turned up. He's still trying to blackmail me. Connor saw us... He went off after Travis left but I-"

"Get the hell out!" he screamed down the phone.

I stayed calm, "Why?"

I could hear another voice on the other end. Matthew. Rory repeated what I just told him as if I wasn't able to hear. As if I was incapable of explaining myself. But I didn't care at that moment.

"Gee please listen to us." Matthew persisted.

I sighed, "Why do I need to leave?"

Rory started, "Look Gwen. If Travis came back once and now he knows that you are with Connor. He will come back. He'll know that-"

"He will know that it would have caused an argument between the two of you so he'll wait until you're alone to come back for you." Matthew finished.

I realised what they were saying. I considered what it meant. I feared what would happen. Connor was safe as he was out of the house: Travis wouldn't find him. But I was here. In his trap.

"Where do I go?" I asked them. My voice showing the only emotion since Connor had walked out.

"To ours." Matthew said.

Rory mumbled something to him before speaking directly to me, "We can't risk you even leaving the house on your own. He might be waiting."

"Then what do I do?" I asked feeling defenceless.

Matthew announced, "We will come fetch you in the car."

I thought about how long it had been since Travis and Connor left. It was over at least fifteen minutes since Connor went out. So it was close to half an hour since Travis left.

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