Chapter 33: Same old bubble gum

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Connor's POV

Another long tedious day talking to snotty mouth clients. It was like a broken record teething out the life from inside my own battered skull. To take it simply, the work was easy and the pay was good enough to stay but the work itself was boring. Extremely boring! To say that my boredom was high was an understatement.

Taking odd moments throughout the day I planned how I'd spend the evening.

Step one: find out if gossip girl had any new information about my friend and the client who he was far too 'friendly' with. Step two: drag myself out to the heap of crap I drive and spend 10 minutes questioning myself where I put my keys. Step three: find the closest shop and buy a shit tonne of unhealthy snacks that my doctor will moan at me for later. Step three: move around the living rooms thirty times until I find a comfortable position. And to finish the night at step four I would probably fall asleep on the sofa with a packet of crisps on my chest and the TV on some programme which I wouldn't admit to watching. Sounded good.


"Right then," I yawned heaving myself towards the desk where she was painting her nails a shade of ungodly bright pink.

Glancing up, the desk chick put the nail brush back into the pot without finishing the final three nails. "You leaving already Connor?" she snorted blowing on her nails, "you haven't finished your shift yet."

"I'm one minute early." I replied rudely snarling my lip at her.

She made an 'mmh' sound and then showed me her nails, "I need to finish these so unless you're taking me out to dinner I'd suggest-"


With that exclamation I threw my arms above my head showing once again that I wasn't interested. I hightailed it to the car park searching each pocket for my keys and then got in slumping down in my seat. Relief that she didn't try harder to hint that she wanted a slice of the Connor man.

She wasn't the only one.

I've had a few girls hit on me but I never wanted anyone but... Well you can guess. I knew however that she would never leave Bullington so I had to move on. Honest! Just I couldn't find someone like her. Being single was great. Well maybe not amazing; I just had high standards. I wasn't bothered anyway.

After about fifteen minutes in the car I pulled up at a corner shop. It looked similar to the one I used to pass on my way home from school when I was a teenager. Parking my chick magnet I stalled on into the shop in search for some offer that wouldn't make me splash out cash which I didn't have.

When I got in I checked out who else was in there. Barren. At least there'd be no waiting in line to get served. I hate ques.

I found the sweet isle and started deciding what I wanted to rot my teeth with this time as the ringing sound of the door went off. I glanced over my shoulder to see another person walk in. I turned back and picked up two large £1 bags then moved over to see what else I could find. I remembered I had a large bottle of fizzy stuff in the fridge so I didn't need any pop.

I'd found two different mixed bags of nuts, using my awful maths skills to work out which one was better value. The first was 100g and the second was 150g. Okay, so if the one which was 100g costs... When I overheard the conversation between the guy behind the counter and a young woman (Who I hadn't looked at quite yet too busy staring at the confectionary before me). I continued scanning too see just which sweets would give me the most cavities as I ease dropped on the conversation to the right of me.

The guy had just been scanning her items, "That's £2.50" the voice of 'I am done with this shit'.

"£2.50?" the voice gasped. "Sorry I only got £2 out so now I will have to look in my bag for another 50p," the lady replied softly, her voice brittle. It sounded familiar but I wasn't sure why.

"Yeah" he drawled.

"I only got £2 out because that's what the offer says. I must have read it wrong, sorry I'm really sorry . Oh my, where is my purse now?"

I lifted my ears up and turned to look towards the counter, the guy clearly did not give a shit. He was as happy with his job as I was with mine. Gosh, is that what I looked like at work? Anyhow I'd collected the larger bad and the sweets which I wanted to buy so I was making my way over to ay anyway. I thought that I'd be a Good Samaritan so when getting the £4 I needed I grabbed another 50 pence from my pocket. I thought I could help her out. I wasn't that bothered about being a nice guy if I'm honest I just wanted to get the hell back home and finish a shit day.

Not even one step closer to the counter and I knew exactly who she was.

I was literally a good three meters and she was knelt down rummaging through her bag but I could still make out who she was.

None other than the one I was always thinking about.

Guinevere Colby...

Without her seeing me I swapped my 50 pence replacing it with a pound before placing it on the counter. I hadn't forgot what I had said a few years back, "50p to help out this beauty and a packet of whatever chewing gum is 50p," I kept my eyes on her as I spoke. I could sense her rigidness as she lifted her head to look directly into my eyes.

The receipt landed in my hand.

Meeting my glance, "I never thought I'd see you-"

"I never thought that you could get more beautiful"

That One November NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin