Chapter 41: Miss me yet?

Start from the beginning

As we drove a parking spot well away from the other cars, he struggled to speak through his excitement. Eventually, he convinced himself that he knew what to look for and where to go. He begged for me to stay in the car as he 'wanted to be a gentleman' which was understandable but he kept muttering to himself 'I need to do everything by the book' I didn't understand what he was referring to but I thought it best to ignore.

As he prepared to leave, I changed the channels of the radio a few times. It was either radio adverts or remixes of trashy mainstream songs. Eventually I decided to just turn it off all together.

I leant back in my seat and smiled at the thought of Connor. I remembered him as a teen – when he recited Shakespeare to me even though I was grounded. Then my attention turned to the ring. The glistening diamonds from each side. Held together with an elegant band. It looked out of place in comparison to the scrappy promise ring on my other finger. Honestly, I hadn't ever thought about marriage. But maybe this was what I needed. Something to get over the past. To let go of Travis.

As I inspected my hand I saw Connor turn back to wave. I too waved with my ring hand and to this he blushed. I watched him turn around, hitting into the man out to collect trollies. Connor of course apologised a million times around his smile. He then turned back to see if I had noticed. I acted like I hadn't.

I wanted his mood to stay this way. It was so mesmerising. Who knew buying condoms could make a grown man so happy?

As I returned to inspecting at the ring on my finger, there was a deafening silence swarming the front seat. From my jumper which was on the floor I didn't see the screen light up. But the text alert blared for the speakers.

I froze.

For people I spoke to most, I had specific text alerts and ringtones.

I knew whose that was.

I looked up from the passenger seat of the car. Connor had got to the entrance. I waited for him to disappear from view before unlocking the screen.

I looked down petrified at what it might be.

Travis: Miss me yet Colby?

Oh my god... why was he only now speaking to me? I tried to wonder what he wanted. I didn't want to respond. I left it. But within the minute, another text.

Travis: What's wrong Kitten, did I startle you?

Ignore it Gwen. Ignore him. Turn off your phone.

Travis: Something you want to tell me Hun?

I tore my eyes away, patronised that Connor would find out and call off our engagement. I brushed back my fringe and felt a wave of anxiety grab hold of me.

Knowing that I wouldn't send texts back, Travis then rang me. I didn't hang up. I left it blasting. Maybe if I left it ringing he'd think I didn't have my phone with me and give up?

After the monstrous ringing finished. I received a text from Rob, I only saw briefly what it said as the notification came up. As I went to click on it to read the rest of the text 'Thank fuck you said YES!!! He'll treat you better than...' another call came through which meant that I accidently clicked accept...

Too eager to know, I held my breath as I moved the phone to my ear, fearing for what would happen.

His voice was still as blistering as it had been when he left, masked in a sheer cape of darkness, "Hey Kitten! Nice of you to finally respond."

I felt my nerves peak. I couldn't bring myself to speak, I should have just hung up. But I didn't.

"Colby come on... I know you're there. I can hear you breathing, you shouldn't be scared. Not of me anyway". I shut my eyes knowing that I had to speak.

Taking a steady breath, "What do you want Travis?"

"Is that anyway to speak to me? After all that we were? After our deal?"

"I'm sorry. It's just I'm busy so-"

"I needed to ask you something baby," I heard him moan as if he was enjoying this, "I made a really big mistake. I know I did. I feel bad, that's all. What I want to ask you is-"

My voice brittle, "Travis no."

"What?" he howled, "What did you say to me? Oh Gwen come on now! It's just me! Besides, you know what happens if you-"

I cut him off, seeing Connor emerge from the shop before he could see me on the phone. "Well whatever it is I don't want to hear it. Three years is too long to leave it. Goodbye Travis".

Shaking at this, I felt so solicitous it became hard to breath. Whatever he had to say, I feel so poorly for wanting to hear but I couldn't let Connor see that I was on the phone. No way.

I let the phone sit, cupped in my hands. I tried not to watch him as he made his way over to the car. I hoped that he wasn't suddenly able to read my mind and find out what just happened. He loathed Travis. If he knew about this...

"I'm back!" he squealed prying open the door.

I threw a messily, "I missed you," but surely even he could sense that it wasn't true.

Back in the car, he was overjoyed. Completely unaware of what I had just done. I was glad of his innocence.

The phone went off. Our eyes both zoomed toward the screen like two marathon runners trying to get to first place.

It was Bullington...

I locked the screen instantly.

"Who's that?" he questioned in a softer tone than before. He clearly hadn't seen the name because he was doing up his seat belt – paying it little attention.

Trying to act like a rational human being I tilted the screen away from him "Oh, I-"swiping the screen forward I checked that he wasn't looking, "Just Rob" I lied.

"Oh god, what did he say?!" Connor screeched with a clear sense of anxiety behind his hyper tone.

I panicked! I pushed the new text alert away without even looking at it. I clicked onto texts and found the one from Rob. I read it out loud. Then as Connor started the car, talking about how happy he was and how much he loved me I looked at the message from the first boy I ever loved.

As if cheating on my fiancé, I looked at his message.

Travis: I know that you don't love him how you love me. Remember our deal miss Colby, you can't get rid of me.

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