Chapter 39: That one November night

Start from the beginning


In the time I had been glued to the sky, she had tip toed to me and placed her artwork on my neck right where I had sprayed earlier. Lowering my face in sheer surprise that she had done so (she never acted in such a way, not since the time apart – as if she was too scared to) slowly her tender lips made their way from my neck and her eyes fluttered open. "You were busy," she began staring into my chest, "I had to get your attention somehow". She moved her head to look me in the eyes and then as I stood blushing from the angel's gift she turned her attention to me and only me as if I was the only thing there. Her body soon turned to me fully and I took advantage: I lifted her from the ground resting her body against mine.

"Well," giving her full contact, "my attention is now all yours Princess!"

It was clear that she was surprised but even with the playful tone, Gwen kept herself too pure to be harmful, "You had to pick me up to tell me that?" her smile was almost as big as mine.

"Well, no I didn't have too but I wanted to. Is that a problem with you?"

With my question unanswered I moved one arm, (while the other was under her bum too keep her up) to her head so that she was closer to my lips. She rested her forehead against mine. For a brief five minutes onward there were no fireworks, just talking from around us but the only thing in which I could hear was the heartbeat sympathy which my heart had entwined hers in.

"I didn't think that I would ever feel beautiful again," she spoke so quietly it was hard to make out, especially from the breaking of her voice and the painfulness plagued by the croaking throat you gain when you're about to cry, I wasn't sure if she had directed it at herself or at me. I questioned if I should speak at this but I waited for her to continue, "You are amazing to me Connor you truly are, but there's something I need to tell you, I should have told you before but..."

"No..." I commented. As politely as I could. If it was enough to make her want to cry then I didn't want to hear it right now. She had something bad she was going to say and whatever it was would ruin our night, "I don't care about 'but there's something you need to tell me' okay? Not right now beautiful. Tonight is about us and that is that. You can tell me another time," I spoke moving my arm back under her bum.

I saw her nod in response as she moved her head back. I looked to her lips, for a second missing the bright lipstick no longer stamped on them. To her eyes I turned, only to see her staring at my lips. In an instant she moved her gaze as if sensing that I were looking at her. We shared a rebound smile and from there I knew that she was going to give in this time. We kissed. Gentle at first. Just a peck. Held for long enough for the rumbling in my stomach to beg for more. Pleading like a starved child.

Pulling back from her, I knew I wouldn't let this girl go even if she dropped to her knees and begged me to. With the fireworks coming back to life before me, I pulled her in closer as she landed her delicate hands against my chest and with one hand tucked slightly at my shirt. Our lips locked as we continued a back and forth motion. The glossy lip shimmer (whatever the hell she had on her lips) was making me find it difficult to get off her lips for air or even just to change my head position.

For Guinevere, I knew this was a big step.

She tended not to do anything with me in pubic other than a peck and holding hands. It wasn't that she didn't want to – I know that and she had even told me before. It's just that something stopped her every time. She was too pure and innocent, full of the milk of human kindness; she was truly an angel. Whatever happened in our time apart was to blame, that might have been what she was preparing to tell me....

We had been softly lip fighting for about a minute when I tried to put my tongue into her mouth. She tore back and wiped the saliva from her face laughing at my "Nice effort," she gestured for me to put her down, "save that for some other time maybe?" She questioned blushing behind the bangs.

No way! I wanted her here and now. I did not want to wait until we got home just to tongue her or plead to have the other things she refused me of.

But I accepted her choice.

She turned around and took several steps away from where we had been standing: wrapped the long sleeves of the jumper around her stomach in a cuddling motion to defend against the painfully comforting breeze. With this she looked up at the cascading colours lining up in the sky from the most recent candle. I didn't want to waste the moment. Taking my phone from my pocket I held it horizontally and took a few snaps, too dark to make it out clearly though. I went to take another, as a trio of rockets launched into the sky, instantly I turned onto video mode to capture as they shot up. Watching the event through the screen, I saw her figure light up by the vibrant colours and even heard her voice among the others around us "Oh wow." She gasped before looking over her shoulder at me. To say my heart skipped a beat is yeah, very cheesy but I swear that it actually did.

The night was supposed to end at 11:30 (and maybe a few other explosions for the rest of the evening but these weren't part of the event) and I wasn't even aware at what time it was.

Before replacing my phone back into my pocket I checked, 10:53 – practically only half an hour left. I took my eyes away from her silhouette to look down at my pocket. I had been attempting to ram it back into my front right pocket only to see that it wouldn't go in. Why wouldn't it fit?

The box.

My phone was struggling to get back into my pocket because of how strategically placed it had been between my leg and the ring box. It was then that I decided I should 'pop the question'. I pulled the petite black case from my pocket putting my phone in its place.

I held the chest so tight in my hand, hoping I would be able to do this without making her say no and embarrassing myself. My entire body was trembling.

This was the first night in a long time that I began shaking in her presence.

Coming up behind her with ease, I lowered both hands onto each of her shoulders. The right holding the box just of her body so that she wouldn't notice it there. I pulled her body swiftly back. Practically hugging her from behind, I rested my body against hers. As her hands suddenly latched onto mine (not noticing the box due to how long the sleeves were on her) only her fingertips could escape. I put my head onto her shoulder and leaned into her ear, "Guinevere, I love you".

That One November NightWhere stories live. Discover now