04. Let it Go

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Let it Go

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Let it Go

I woke up feeling refreshed today, somehow. Maybe it was because I got a full nine hours of sleep, or maybe it was the fact that I spent yesterday's evening with Dylan, and Lillian of course.

I got out of bed, leaving the snoring curly haired blonde in bed. I chuckled. Combing that thing on her head must be a nightmare. I sighed when I ran a hand through mine. I needed to cut it.

After taking my time in the washroom, doing all the necessary shit like brushing my teeth, taking a shower, marinating myself in lotion, and combing my hair, I was all set to go half an hour later.

I unlocked Shane's door as well because the bathroom was in a Jack & Jill set up. I entered my room in a bra and a pair of shorts to find Amy wide awake with her phone all up in her face.

I looked for a shirt to wear as I rummaged through my closet. I smiled in satisfaction when I found a grey short sleeve shirt to pair off with denim shorts.

"Did you hear?" She asked as I put on my shirt, then proceeded to stuff her phone into my face. "Amanda and Jason broke up." I gasped.

"No," I replied in disbelief. I took the phone from her realizing she was on Amanda's Instagram profile. I looked at her bio noticing there wasn't a date and the pictures of the couple together were deleted. I quickly searched up Jason's Instagram profile as well. There also wasn't a date in his bio.

I frowned. "Well that's depressing," I sighed, passing the phone back to her. Jason and Amanda have been together for such a long time, believe me. Not to mention they were also one of the cutest couples at our school. "If Amanda and Jason broke up, looks like I am not getting a love life any time soon." I laughed.

"Re-fucking tweet." Amy got out of bed and scratched the back of her head.

"What the fuck are you saying? You and Tyler seem to be doing perfectly fine." She groaned, ignoring my statement and focused all her attention on her hair.

"I can't believe I forgot to tie up my hair before I fell asleep." Her hair basically resembled an afro. "Now when I'll comb it, it will just go all poufy," she said making motions with her hand.

"That's the price you pay for beauty," I said, snapping a quick picture of her for my snapchat streak. She rolled her eyes and trotted to the bathroom.

"I'll go get breakfast ready." I called as I walked out of my room.


I was surprised when I found my mom in the kitchen humming to herself as she was frying eggs on the stove. I thought she had work today. "Hey mom," I greeted her as I reached for the bowl of raspberries. She smacked my hand away.

"Wash your hands," she demanded. I sighed, complying.

"No work?"

"No, I have a night shift tomorrow." With her career of an ER doctor, her shifts change from morning to night, I couldn't keep track. "Do me a favour and make a protein shake." She said, smiling, as she gestured towards the blender. I rolled my eyes.

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