Chapter 50- Off limits

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The following chapter contains some scenes in which Reader (you) will be touched. It's nothing too serious and nothing as far and bad as rape/molestation. But please be warned, if the chapter makes you uncomfortable do not read on. I'll add '**scene**' as a warning from start to end so you can skip it, that is if you want. I feel as though it is important that I point it out, it isn't much but I have to say. Thank you for reading this and enjoy.

Your body shifted position as it turned itself on the soft surface, your eyes closed as a satisfied sigh left your lips. Moments passed until you fluttered your sleepy (eye color) eyes open, the view of sunlight coming through the bright window appeared before you. Slowly sitting up as a yawn escaped your mouth, you started recalling yesterday's event.

Jeff had taken you far from the mansion and talked to you. Actually, it was as though he was encouraging you. He was encouraging you to live and never give up. Your lips curled up into a smile at the thought, Jeff sincerely cared, and that was something you kept in mind. After that, you both hugged and laid down, the rest was a blur. All you could recall was closing your eyes and that was that, you must've fallen asleep.

'So Jeff brought me here, huh?' you thought as you pulled yourself out of bed and approached the large drawer. Opening it, you took out a white loose shirt and black shorts then put them on. Once you were done, you approached the mirror and looked at your reflection, once you were satisfied by your appearance you started heading out the room.

Closing the door shut behind you, you walked down the hall quietly. Noise was never your thing to do in the morning, even if everyone was downstairs eating breakfast. It made you wonder if you were the last person arriving at breakfast today, 'As usual' you told yourself while rolling your eyes. After making a turn and walking down the stairs, sounds of footsteps were heard behind you. Turning your head expecting to see someone, anyone, to your surprise there was nobody.

Tilting your head in confusion, 'What the..? I could've sworn I heard steps.' you thought while looking back up the stairs. There really was no one. You tried your best to shrug off the fact that you heard footsteps behind you and proceeded your way to breakfast. That was certainly weird, was your hearing failing or was your mind playing tricks on you?

Just as you thought so, small glowing yellow dust floated through the air right before your eyes. You halted and stared at the glowing substance in front of you, was this really happening? You reached out your hand to touch it but it instead spread, your fingers barely touching the 'dust'.

"Weird..." you said to yourself, pulling your hand away and continuing to stare at it. Your gaze followed the dust as it moved upwards, then you saw a figure up there with glowing yellow eyes. Before you could even do anything else, your wrists, ankles, feet and arms started aching. Pain, immense pain, as thought they were tied tightly by something. You tried moving but nothing, it wasn't possible.

This only confused you further, why couldn't you move and why was your body suddenly hurting. You tried all you could, all the strength you had within you to try and move but the pain was too much. Looking up at the figure up, they smiled and revealed white teeth as they chuckled. They appeared to be floating and lowered down to the floor, their heavy feet landing against the wooden floor.

It was a guy, he had grey skin and black hair that reached down to his shoulders. His eyes glowed yellow and wore a grey beanie, a black coat over his grey hoodie and black pants with black shoes. Not only did his entire appearance stand out, but his hands. His hands were covered by black gloves as the fingertips were glowing yellow, just like his eyes and dust.

He chuckled once again, "Does it hurt that much that you can't even move?" he said. You glared at him as he insulted you right in front of your face. How dare he? You shook violently but it only made things worse, tightening the grip on your entire body. What was happening?!

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now