Chapter 3- Just the start

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Sitting down in the chair,staring mindlessly at the wall while your mind was going into its own little world.

"Umm ma'am. You haven't answered my question." he said but you could hear his worried tone.

"Uh?" you finally came back into reality. "Oh. Forgive me officer. I wasn't listening." you said honestly.

After you had passed out,police men were all over your house and neighborhood. Each of them looking for the suspect,to capture him. But luck wasn't at their side. The suspect had escaped.

​While silently going inside your house,they found you in your room,unconscious. A police officer had woken you up and helped you get back on your feet.

Helping you out of the house,when you walked out of your house,strong arms wrapped around you tightly. They were from your worried almost crying mother.

You hugged her tightly,glad that she was okay and unharmed.

She gasped at your stabbed arm. The medics quickly came to you and took care of your arm. They cleaned the blood off and wrapped a bandage around the wound. They told you that it wasn't that bad,but it was deep and close to hitting your bone.

You were too lucky.

The officers had asked you to get in the car,but told you to not worry. You were just gonna be asked questions,nothing else. You looked over at your mom and she simply nodded. Walking inside the police car,your mom hugged you and kissed your forehead telling you "Be careful." . You smiled at her and nodded,walking inside the car.

"It's okay,don't worry about it ma'am." the officer assured you with a sly smile. He looked atleast 17-18 years old. Pretty young.

You smiled alittle back at him. "Mind repeating the question,officer?".

"What's your name?"

"F/N L/N."

"How old are you,miss L/N?"


He writted everything down on his notes.

"Okay,what happened back at your house?" the officer said with a little serious tone.

"I had finished locking the front and back doors,and locking all the windows possible. But what I didn't realized was that I had forgotten to lock my own window." you said with a sigh. How could you forget locking your own window. Stupid stupid stupid. You had put yourself in danger.

He nodded,telling you to continue on telling.

"As I was finally going to sleep in my bed,I started hearing steps coming from my room." as you said this,you got more and more of the officers attention. Still writting everything down.

"Hearing the steps,I had realized that I had forgotten to lock my window. Knowing that someone was in,I tried to stay calm until he got ontop of me. I couldn't get him off. He woke me up,trying to stab me but I got him unguarded and got him off me. While I tried to run towards the door and get help,I got this." you showed him your arm.

"Does it feel okay?" he asked worried.

"Yeah,don't worry." you smile alittle. How nice of him to worry.

He only nodded "Please continue ma'am."

"He pushed me against the door. I manage to get him off me again and pushed him off the window. He tried climbing back up but thats when the police cars were getting closer. He jumped off and well escaped."

Nodding and writting down,he looked up at you with his gray eyes and messy brown hair,you could tell he was getting serious by the look in his eyes.

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now