Chapter 9- The encounter

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Sitting back,you waited for about 2 minutes or so. Deciding,you perked your head out the hole and suddenly hear a voice from behind the tree.

"Found you~".

You then realized that it wasn't Jeff's voice.

Stepping out of the tree hole,you turned around. Your eyes widen in fear.

You didn't even knew if it was a creature. He was tall,he had horns on the sides of his head. He had a large mouth and six more on his chest. His eyes.... It only showed a red iris. It seemed he had claws on the tip of his fingers, he appeared to be part demon.

He took a step forward towards you and you backed up. Smiling at you with all seven mouths,you stared in confusion. How the hell did he do that? But that were the least of your concernes. Where's Jeff?

"Who are you?" you questioned the demon.

He chuckled,"Don't worry,Y/N. Let me introduce myself. I'm Zalgo,but I don't think you've heard of me. I just came by to see you.".

"See me? For what?" surprised,you took a step forward towards him.

"Why,I've heard so much about you Y/N. I'm quite inpressed you survived Jeff the Killer. Oh and don't think I don't know about BEN's attack at your house. That was quite fascinating indeed." anwsered Zalgo as he walks in circles around you. Watching his every move,not breaking eye contact,you decide to get anwsers out of him.

"How'd you know about the BEN incident?" you asked. Chuckling once more,"Well,ever since you survived Jeff,I've decided to keep an eye on you. Soon I found out that you got kidnapped. And I asked myself 'Hmm... I wonder who's related with Jeff' and then Slenderman came to mind. I haven't properly told him I knew he took you,but now that I'm talking to you,he's gonna know.",he said with a large grin.

Out of nowhere,your back hits a tree.

Before you knew what was going on,Zalgo kicked you towards another tree. Standing upon your feet,he pushes you against the tree while holding on your neck with a tight grip. You tried to pulled it away but the grip was too tight. Kicking left and right,trying to reach his chest but failed miserably,he laughed.The more you tried to escape, the more force Zalgo would add on to his grip. You eventually gave up trying.

"Where the hell is Jeff?" you managed to ask but soon started coughing. Chuckling,he looked at your e/c eyes with his red own,"He won't be waking up for a while.". Widening your eyes,you shook your head but Zalgo nodded. "Oh yes Y/N." he laughed. Anger boiled inside you,this bastard. First you almost get killed,then get kidnapped and start living with killers,and now your handling this demon freak??! You had enough of this bullsh!t!

With all your might,you kicked forward as high as you could. Reaching your point,you kicked Zalgo in his chin,making him look up at the sky. Now this time you were the one chuckling but it didn't last long. You were then tossed to the ground. Getting back onto your feet,your gaze falls on Zalgo's red ones.

"I must admit Y/N,so far I'm impressed with your movements. A human wouldn't even get back on his feet. You even mananged to successfully kick me. But you must know that with all that,you won't be able to defeat what's coming at you." grinning larger,he chuckled darker. Breathing heavily in and out,you keep your gaze on Zalgo,not daring to looking away.

"Trust me when I tell you this Y/N...",he slowly moves towards you. "You will hurt yourself and others around you. You will be in so much pain and suffer,just like the day your father died."


Silence was the only thing heard.

"H-how did y-you... How did you know?" you asked looking down darkly with eyes widen that seemed to never blink. That bastard...

"I know alot more than you think. Your going to suffer Y/N,trust me,you are. Starting with your mother."an evil smirk came across his mouth.

Looking back at him,your once hurtfull look in your eyes left and were switched with a hateful glare. "Don't you dare touch her,bastard." you warned with a deep growled that was even unknown to you but you didn't care at the moment.

Walking towards you,"I won't do anything,your own fault will." and with that,he pinned you towards a tree and pulled his claws up in the air. "Let me send Slender a message from his truly~".

"Not in my watch,Zalgo." then out of the blue,a knife hits Zalgo straight on his hand he was raising. Zalgo lets you go,making you fall hard on the ground. Sprinting towards Zalgo,Jeff jumps and pulls the knife out,making Zalgo hissed. Aiming at Jeff,he tries slashing his arm but misses by a millimeter. Jeff in the other hand,jumps once again and kicks Zalgo in the face,making him fall backwards.

Turning to look at you,"Oi,doll,you alright back there?" he asks alittle worried. You nodded,as you tried to stand up,pain shots up on your knee. Hissing,you looked at your knee which happened to bleed. But how? As you looked close at your left,you see a piece of glass,a bloody piece of glass. But,wouldn't that haved hurted when it stabbed you? Confused,you decided to stand up once again but failed once again. Your knee started bleeding alot more,the wound was pretty deep.

'Dammit!' you thought to yourself.

Jeff looked back at Zalgo,who seemed to smile,all seven of his mouths. Jeff growled and ran towards him,stabbing his chest twice. Falling once again,Jeff tasted his blood from his knife. 'Mmm,not bad for a demon.' he thought. Taking one last glace over at you,Zalgo stands up ,"Remember Y/N,you will suffer." and suddenly he vanished.

Jeff growled but then went back to you. "Jeff,I can't walk,its injured. I need to clean the wound.". Jeff nodded,"I know doll,how stupid do you think I am?". You raised an eyebrow at him,"Do you really want me to anwser that?",he simply chuckled. "But how will we get back to the mansion fast?" you asked.

Jeff simply stood quietly but then the least expected happened. Jeff carefully put his arm under your knee without hurting you and put his other hand on your back. Standing up,he was carrying you bridal style and walked fast to the mansion. You slightly blushed alittle but hid it. But Jeff managed to see it in time and chuckled,"Why so red,doll?" he teased. You blushed alittle more,"Wh-what?! I am n-not! Shut up!" you shouted. The smiling teenager chuckled once more. "Woman. Its pointless to understand them." he said. You looked away from him and crossed your arms on your chest.

Reaching the mansion,Jeff kicked the door open,"EJ! YOU BETTER BE IN YOUR LAB!" said the killer as he ran to EJ's lab,making sure you wouldn't fall. He opened the door and sat you down on the bed. You were losing alot of blood.

Suddenly a familiar blue maks walks inside the lab,"Geez,Jeff. Whats the emer--- Y/N what happened to your knee??!" asked EJ as he ranned to his desk and got the medical supplies. "Zalgo happened...Call Slender. We need to tell him about this." explained Jeff. "Why hell of coarse you do!".


Meanwhile with Zalgo

"So how'd it go?" chuckled the brown haired boy. Zalgo simply kept thinking to himself,"She's pretty skilled. Tough,too. She won't be an easy one." he admitted.

"You should've realized that when she survived Jeffrey,and Jeffrey doesn't keep anyone alive.". Zalgo stayed on his thoughts ,"True and I did. But I have a plan.And you my dear Williams,is involved in it.". Nodding,Williams grabbed his chin,"I'm all ears. What do you need me to do? As long as it means I'm near Y/N,I'm fine with it.~" chuckled the teen.

"Focus now on my plan,you can focus later on how you will make a voodo-doll out of Y/N's body." assured Zalgo. "I'm not gonna make a doll out of her,I'm just gonna be dissecting her insides." he grinned widely just by the thought of Y/N.

"Well simply focus. I have plans for her." he chuckled darkly and laughed.

"She won't see it coming~"

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now