Chapter 4- A lucky one

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"For the last time,I'm not a damn ghost!" You growled over at your friends.

"Phew,we though you were coming back from the underworld to haunt us for never paying back your money." Said F/N (Friends/Name).

You rolled your eyes. "As if,and you guys still need to pay me unless you wanna get haunted." ,you said teasingly looking over at your friends.

"No need to go extreme Y/N. The important thing here is that you're alive and okay,not the money." one of your friends said.

"Yeah I guess." you smile. "Y'all still need to pay me."

"We tried atleast." All of you laughed.

This morning was like every other morning,you woke up to the smell of your mom making French toast for both of you. Finishing breakfast,you hopped on the car,arriving at school. The difference was that almost half or more of the school ran up to you asking you about the accident.

It was actually pretty rough since you couldn't find any peace unless Y/BFF/N came in and pushed them away saying 'Okay okay give her a rest and get a life'.

But it thru it all,it went pretty normal.

Today,your mom wasn't going to be working for the whole week,so she decided to pick you up.

"So how'd it go today at school?" she asked. "Pretty well,besides people running up to me asking questions, I say pretty well." you replied jokely. Your mom just laughed.

Arriving home,you went directly up your room. Closing the door shut,you sat down in your bed,starting your homework.

1 hour later ~

"Finally!" you let out a deep sigh. Putting away your homework,you hear your mom call you.

"Y/N sweetie do you want anything from the store?" she asked sweetly from downstairs.

"Umm...not really mom. Thanks for asking though!" You yelled back.

"Okay!I'll be back soon!" and with saying that,she walked out the house,locking the door and heading towards her car.

Laying down in your bed bored out of your mind,you head over to your laptop. You logged in into your email and saw that it was full of messages from your friends. They were from yesterday night.

'Hey Y/N I saw you in the news! Are you and your mom okay?'
'Are you alright?'
'Omg I'm so glad you're alive!'

And ever so on.

But there was one of them that didn't look familiar at all.

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The email was sent barely 3 minutes ago. "What the hell?..." you looked at it closely. You were deciding in whether on not to click on it.

Finally making up your mind,you took a deep breath. Clicking on the email, your eyes widen at what your reading.

"Ahh,lovely F/N L/N. Good to see that you opened this. Literally. Anyways,just wanted to say hi to the person who threw Jeff out the window. Good thinking. But if you think your safe now, well guess again. Your not. No one can save you. Can't wait to meet you,and well,take you."

Oh god. Is this really real?

Hmm..maybe its just a prank. But how does it know that the killer's name is Jeff? Maybe he made up the name to scare me.

Yeah,all this is just an awful prank.

Suddenly a hand comes out your screen,you scream and fall over your chair.

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now