Chapter 20- You again

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Getting yourself ready to sprint,you watch his every move,breathing cautiously,heart beating regularly and your body tensed up. You waited patiently for his signal to go and attack. He then gave you a sly nod and made his way towards rapidly. As his knife almost collided with your face,you bend yourself at the right moment as he misses with just mere millimeters. You slided to his right and before he knew it,with all your force,your shoulder made a hard impact on his stomach. You surprisingly managed to make him stumble but not enough until he makes a sharp movement that you were barely able to see. Before you knew it,his knife collided within your shoulder as you let out a hiss and a small yelled. As he took a few steps back with his knife,you do so to.

"Ya' alright,Y/N?" he asked.

You nodded,"C'mon." was all you said as you made your way running towards the smiling killer. He runs towards you also,within just a few feet away,you swiftly move to your left. Surprised,he turns around as he eyes you and before he knew it,you kicked him straight in the chest with such power,you send him flying atleast four feet away from you. Quickly getting back in his feet,he grabs his knife tightly smiling to himself. Sprinting towards you,you try punching him in the face in the last second but he easily manages to duck your attack and stabs you twice in the stomach. A gash of blood comes out of both your mouth and stomach,you wipe the blood out of your mouth and stare at the blood coming out of your stomach. Ignoring it,you sprinted towards Jeff by his surprise. He didn't think you would've continued to fight with those wounds. You tried punching him over and over but he kept blocking them with his arms but your hits were strong on his arms.

"I didn't think."


"You would've."


"Kept going."

Punch Punch

"Even with."


"Those wounds,Y/N." he said as you kept punching and he kept blocking. He grabbed his knife and tried to stab your hand,but to his surprise you managed to grab his hand just in time.

You smiled at him,"Guess again,Jeffrey.".

You soon kicked Jeff's knife off his hand as his eyes widen in shock by your skills. Getting him off guard,you quickly let go of his hand as you twist around to your left and with all your might,you kicked Jeff right in the face. Falling to the ground,he grabs his nose due to the hard impact you gave him with your foot. Hissing,he grabs his knife and throws it at you. You avoided it with ease and walked your way towards him. He stands back up,"You sure know how to kick." he chuckles.

You simply smile and laugh,"Thanks. Does it really hurt?" you asked.

"Yeah,for now. In about two minutes or less it'll heal. You did great today,doll." Jeff admitted. You nodded and the both of you headed back inside.

During training,the both of you were unawared that you were being watched from the window.

"My my brother,I must admit that she's quite strong." Splendor commented towards Slender as he only nodded.

"For a human,she sure has skills. What do you have to say about this,Slender?" Offender asked as he gazed to his right where Slender was standing.

He became silent but soonly spoke,"She might become a new member..." Slender stated plainly.

All three of his brother's gaze soon turned towards him.

"Hmm... It could be possible. But what would've been the cause to bring her into her own insanity?" Trender wondered out loud as he tapped his long white finger on his chin.

"I wonder the same thing." his polka dot brother replied.

As Slender's brothers talked to eachother about you,Slender was stuck on his own thoughts. He remembered about what Zalgo had told him on his last visit.

Could it be possible?

You headed towards the door but a voice stopped you on your tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jeff asked as he leaned himself on the door, you take a few steps away from the door and sighed. "I'm just going out for a walk. Don't worry about it." you replied.

He simply looked at you as he raised an eyebrow at you but then nodded,"Want me to go with you?" he offered. You hesitated,"No thanks,it's alright. I'm not going that far anyways. I know my way back,too." you said with a smile.

Jeff thought to himself whether or not it was a good idea to let you out or not,but he felt something. Something was telling him to trust you.

"Just be back before night falls,and if you find a creature,you run your @$$ as fast as you can here." he warned with a chuckle.

"Thanks Jeff." you said as you made your way out,you still couldn't tell if he was joking about the creature thing. Oh well,too late to ask now,you could change his mind and he would force you to go back inside.

So instead,you kept walking into the forest.


Williams was mindlessly laying on his bed upside down,sighing loudly. He was wondering if Zalgo was ready with a new plan since he hasn't heard a word from him ever since the last plan failed. The brown haired boy decided to go outside,he didn't care if Zalgo would've gotten mad or not,he just wanted to get out atleast.

The sun was throwing weak light due to the thick leafs blocking the sunlight. Barely any thick grass was growing on the hard ground but still managed to get sunlight and grow. Light slowly taken away from the forest as the sunset slowly came,knowing darkness would come soon. The absence of the light made Williams smile widely,he enjoyed the darkness,especially when he would walk thru it. It released him from stress,anger,sadness. It was his happy world for the teen. Eveything around him seemed almost endless as he kept walking straight,so he decided to make a turn. He didn't care at the moment where he would've gone,he already knew his way back to Zalgo's place.

He didn't know how far he was walking until he looked up,darkness was approaching. Williams chuckled and simply kept walking mindlessly until his gaze falls on something.

Or more like someone.

As he got closer and closer,he hid behind a tree as he saw the girl's figure walk by. Her h/c hair blowing thru little wind there was,her skin shinning,looking soft and silky. Williams just stared at her figure,but then decided to follow her. She soon stopped on her tracks to take a deep breath. Williams walked quietly towards her and stood behind her. As she turned around,Williams was right infront of her face. She let out a gasp.

"You again..."


Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя