Chapter 41.2- Tricked or Treated with illusions?

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You yawned softly while your eyes closed briefly. Glancing to your right,you saw Jeff sitting down against a tree,staring mindlessly at the houses before his eyes. Turning your head,you saw no sight of Sally or Jane. You figured out they've must've gone to the mansion without you guys even realizing it. It was a long night,the last thing you remembered was walking with Jeff holding candy bags until your hands felt lighter for some odd reason. You guessed that was when Jane took them or something,you were still wondering why she didn't ask you for help with the candy bags,or even told you they were leaving. 

Maybe she did,but you just didn't realize it. 

The neighborhood was silent and empty. The night was already late and no one was heard nor seen in the distance, surprisingly. 

Slowly approaching Jeff,you slightly kicked his leg,not to harsh but enough for him to react to. He turned his head and looked up at you silently. 

"So are we leaving yet?" You asked. 

He simply shrugged and continued to stare mindlessly at space. You sighed and decided to sit next to him. Placing your hands on top of your knees,you looked up at the sky,the stars were still out and shinning brightly. Slightly smiling,you glanced over your shoulder and looked at Jeff. He was surprisingly calm,not the regular Jeff you were use to. 

"Hey Jeff." 

He responded with a "Hm?",signing you to continue. 

" How come you were so calm around the humans?" You asked. "I mean,you didn't even kill one person. Not hating or anything,but it just kinda doesn't seem like you." You admitted. 

Turning his head,he faced you. His never blinking eyes stared at you deeply,"So you don't think I can control myself around humans?". 

You shook your head,"No! No! Not at all! It's just that... I was just wondering, that's all.". 

He stared at you for a couple of seconds until he looked away and spoke once again,"Well,besides the fact that I can control myself,it actually reminds me of me when I was still human. ". Setting his knee up and placing his hand on top of it,"Me and... Liu would sometimes come and trick or treat just like many others. I would dress up as something scary and scare the hell out of him and our parents. It was fun..." he said as his fist clenched, "But too bad it didn't last long." he breathed out with a larger smile. "It still reminded me of how cruel people are. How society is full of lies and failure. I'm surprised they still keep themselves strong,quite impressive." he admitted. 

You silently stared at him while processing each one of his words. You wondered who Liu was. A family member maybe? Wanting to ask,you decided to go against it. 

"Hey DH" 

Looking up at Jeff,you nodded your head,allowing him to continue. 

"Where did you come from?" 

You furried your eyebrows,confused. What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" You asked. 

"I mean by,where were you before we met and Slender took you in with us?" 

You remained silent for a moment,why didn't you just tell him? It's not like it was anything personal. 

Taking a deep breath, you finally replied,"I was living in this small abandoned park I found. It wasn't much but hey,I didn't need much either. I started stealing belongings when I could...". Hugging your shoulders,"And before that..." You said ending with a pause while staring out at the air. 

His loud growl echoed in your head as you remembered your fight between you and that demon. His skin full of shades of red as his long claws and horns accompanied with a darker shade and black. Eyes filled with such anger and vile,just by having them watch you, you could feel his dark stare burning your skin. 

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now