Chapter 17- Visitors and 'Thanks'

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You grabbed a piece of bread and turned on the toaster while Jane's gaze was only towards you. Ignoring her stare,you put the bread inside the toaster and set the timer. As you turned around,Jane sighed loudly,"What?" you asked as you rested your hands on your hips.

"Why did you stop me and Jeff from fighting?" she asked as she crossed her arms in her chest. You mentally facepalmed yourself at her question,"What is that suppose to mean?".

"You usually watch our commotion instead of getting in between it." she replied while raising her eyebrow at you. You rolled your eyes,"Its morning. Do you think I would be in the mood for fighting while I'm trying to sleep?". She shrugged and sighed.

"So what will you have for breakfast,Jane?" you asked the raven haired girl as you turned around to take out the toast and add butter on it.

"I think I'll have some toast to. I'm going to have alot of stuff going on today. " she said while yawning. You nodded,as you turned around to head out of the kitchen,a tall man stops you on your tracks.

"Morning Jane. Morning Y/N." Slenderman looked down at you as the both of you waved and Jane started making her toast. "Y/N,how do you feel?" he asked.

"Um,great I guess..?" you replied as you took a bite out of your toast.

He nodded in response,"Hope its no bother if I ask you two girls to make breakfast. Is it?". Both you and Jane shook your heads,"Of coarse not! We'll happily make breakfast!" you announced and smiled.

"Very well,children. I won't waste any of your time. Oh but I do inform you that we we'll have visitors today. Just be aware." and with that being said,Slender teleported away.

"I wonder what type of visitors we'll be having." you wondered outloud. Jane laughed alittle,"Don't worry about anything,Y/N. They won't hurt you since you're living under Slender's roof." she explained,making you less worried.

After you and Jane made delicious pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon,French Toast,and some waffles,and served each one of the creepypastas,most of the food was gone. You were glad that the both of you had breakfast earlier. You were sitting down in your chair while feeding Sally pancakes as she sat in your lap.

"As you all know,well besides Y/N,today is the time of month---" Slenderman was interrupted by BEN's dirty outloud thoughts. "Aww,don't tell me the girls are in their period." he was soon whacked in the head by a spectacle from Slender himself. Once he calmed down,he spoke again,"As I was saying,today is the time of month when me and my brothers gather together for a family reunion. I do hope that each one of you are in your best behaviours." he announced while glaring at everyone. Some shrugged and others nodded in response.

"Good." he said and continued to read his newspaper.

"Slenderman has brothers? I didn't know he had brothers...." you murmured but someone of coarse heard you.

"Believe it,doll. He has 3, Trendor,Splendor and Offender." Jeff said while adding jam to his toast. You nodded and stroked Sally's hair. 'So he has 3 brothers? Cool' you thought and smiled.


Sitting down in the couch,you ruffled your hair like an idiot. You were bored that you literally did whatever your head told you to do. Even thought it wasn't your head but the voice in your head. It gave you ideas but you didn't consider all of them.

'Train Y/N,god dammit! You're going to be weak and useless if you don't train!'

'You know what? I don't even know why you're in my head in the first place. And I don't even know why I need to train.' you replied to your voice.

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now