Chapter 10- Nightmares...

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"And then when I fell,somehow a piece of glass managed to injure my knee. It was a pretty deep wound when EJ cleaned off the blood,but thanks to him,it didn't get an infection." you explained to Slenderman who seemed to understand the situation. "Did he mention anything else? Such as plans or the past or if he's watching us?",he questioned you while looking down at you.

You remained silent for a few minutes,but Slenderman didn't question it.

"He knew that BEN tried to take me....and....part of my past..." you murmured,looking down. Nodding,he walked towards you closer and you looked up at him,"Dont worry child,it'll be alright." if he had a face,he would be kindly smile at you. You smiled at him,but then the smile soon disappeared. "He said that I was gonna suffer alot. Starting with my mother...". Expecting for Slenderman to say something,he didn't. Was he thinking about something? If so,about what? Zalgo,of coarse. But,what does Zalgo want with me?

You came to reality once Slenderman turned his back,"Y/N... Something is coming. I don't know how,why or when,but its coming. Due to that,I will have you learn to fight,use a weapon and much more." he announced looking back at you. "I will have my proxies teach you everything. I'll be trying to figure out more about what is Zalgo planning. Understood?". Nodding you walked out his office.

Slenderman sat down on his chair and thought to himself once again. 'Zalgo...just exactly what are you planning? And whatever it is,why is Y/N involved into this?',sighing to himself.

Walking down the hall,you feel a presence behind you. You ignore it and keep walking. As you kept walking, you heard footsteps,but weren't yours. Stopping on your tracks,you quickly turn around and throw a punch at whoever was behind you. Somehow the person managed to duck your punch,wrapping their arms around your legs,they tackle you and hold you down tightly.

"Game over,Y/N. You're too slow." BEN said with a chuckle.

Groaning,you take his hat and he tries taking it away from you. As he tries reaching it,completely unguarded,you kick him off and get ontop of him. "And you should stop letting your guard down." you laughed,giving him back his hat and getting back on your feet. Continuing to walk,BEN follows right besides you. "Were you waiting for me the whole time?" you asked. He shrugged and smiled,"Why wouldn't I? Anything for my best friend,Y/N." wrapping an arm around you. Rolling your eyes,he chuckled. Walking inside the living room,BEN sits down on the floor and grabs his controller. "Wanna play CoD with me?" he offers nicely. You shook your head,"Nawh. I don't feel like it.".

Shrugging,he starts playing. Sitting down at the armchair next to the window,you look at the view.

The trees thin covered with thick leaves and roots growing out of the soil. Some tree trunks stuck on eachother and some longer than the other. Looking at the sky,you realized that it would rain soon. Sighing to yourself,you decide to sleep and wake up early tomorrow morning since Masky,Hoodie and Toby were gonna teach you how to fight.

"Night BEN,I'm going to sleep." standing up from the armchair,you head upstairs towards your room. BEN said a 'K,night' in a low voice since he was too concentrated on his game.

Jumping ontop of your bed,once you land you stay like that and fall into a nice,relaxing slumber.


Back at Y/N's house

Y/N's mom was sitting in the living by herself,both worried and depressed. She was worried sick about where was her daughter. Why did she disappear? How is she? Alive? Dead? She didn't know...

She was depressed mostly because she couldn't find her precious daughter. It felt alone at home without her presence. It felt... No.

She felt empty.

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu