Chapter 28- You promised...

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"Get away.~" he growled as your eyes widen open. Jeff hugged you tighter as he took out his knife,you let out a gasp.

Was this what he wanted? Waiting for the right moment to get to you and kill you? It seems like it. All he ever wanted was to finish what he started? You couldn't believe what was going on....he was going to kill you right on spot. But if he was you weren't going to allow it.

As you reached for your knife,Jeff clenched on his knife as he let go of you and pulled you behind him protectively.

"Zalgo...." he growled out. You took a step forward but soon was pushed back carefully by the killer. Before you knew it,you see a tall creature walking towards your way. It was indeed Zalgo himself.

"Ahh,why hello Woods. Its been such a long time since our last encounter." he said as he approached the both of you with his hands behind his back.

Jeff growled,he knew perfectly that meeting Zalgo in the woods is never just a coincidence. "What do you want,f^cker?".

Zalgo let out a small chuckle,"My my,what a mouth you got Jeff. I guess you'll just never change." he said,completely ignoring his question.

"Answer the question. What do you want?" he was growing impatient. He knew that Zalgo wanted something.

"Well,since you asked nicely." his smile grew wider as his gaze turned into a serious stare,"I want Y/N."

The smiling killer glared at the demon right before his eyes,"Not happening.". He wasn't going to allow him take you. No way. Zalgo just laughed at his response,which only pissed off the killer more. "You think I care what you say? I'm taking her either way,Jeff." he plainly said as he laughed and laughed,louder the more he had laughed.

Before Zalgo knew it,both of you had disappear. He turned around to see if you had tried to run away,he could just catch up in no time. But he was wrong. He had been kicked right in the face by none other than Jeff himself. Taking a few steps back,Zalgo growled and made a sort of fire ball out of his bare hands. He threw one,aiming at Jeff but he skillfully dodged it as he sprinted towards him right before his eyes. As Jeff was getting ready to slash Zalgo with his knife,"Now Y/N!!" he yelled as he stopped on his tracks,smirking. Zalgo didn't know what was going on until he felt two deep holes on his chest by your knife. Blood gashed out the cuts but started to heal slowly and steady.

His claws aimed at you,but you stopped him as your knife collided with his claws. He only laughed as his other hand aimed at you with his sharp claws. You sense his other hand and a silver glows on your iris as you bend yourself,letting go of the claw against your knife. Zalgo instead slashes his own hand,making himself hiss in pain.

"You little----" he couldn't finish his sentence as Jeff's knife stabbed him right in the stomach.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Jeff warned darkly.

Zalgo only smiled as blood gashed out his mouth,suddenly he felt another stab behind his back. You dugged your knife deeper into his back,until you pulled out and did the same over and over again as quickly as you could. You saw his own blood gash out himself,as you felt his blood get all over your clothes,you smiled widely.

'He deserves this...'

'He's the cause of this...'

'He's the cause of me...'

'He's the cause of me turning into this...'

'Wait,is this even right?'

'I'm literally trying to kill him.'

'No...wait. This isn't right.'

'I'm not right.'

'What's going on with me?'

Please,won't you let me go? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now