Ghost Stories - #98

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You sat amounts a group of Slytherin 5th, 6th and 7th years all sat in the darkness of the common room, lit by a single candle in the centre of the circle of students. There was only one person not sat in the circle and that was fellow 6th year, Draco Malfoy. To the side of the room and perched on a chair with one leg crossed over the other, he sat observing the circle as you all sat telling ghost story's. Blaise had just finished his story of an old wizard who murdered his family with a deadly spell he created that is still unknown to this day. It was gruesome, making the majority of the group cringe as you listened, bar a few people who just smirked as Zabini told the legend.

Soon it was your go. You had the perfect story lined up to chill your fellow Slytherins to the bone. And hopefully get some kind of reaction out of the stone cold Slytherin Prince while you were at it. So far, Draco hadn't reacted once. But this was a challenge you were all to happy to accept. "It all started back at the beginning of the 16th century. Witches all over England were being persecuted and a large volume of muggles were being tortured because people thought they possessed a dark art. But, amounts the thick trees of the Wiltshire forests lived an old witch with powers like no other. She had found a way to gain eternal life, not by hiding from death, but by converting the souls of the living, to keep her young. The most powerful souls she could find were those of children aged between 8 to 18. The children's within this 10 year age difference had the most lively of souls. Still youthful and full of wonder. Exactly what she needed to feed on. It was as though she were a Dementor. Sucking each and every soul out of all the children she could find. One happy memory at a time." You scanned around the room, with particular emphasis on the 5th years and glancing over at Draco.
"She lured the children into the wood in a variation of different ways, but one thing was always the same. No matter where they were, you could always here the rustling of leaves as she approached. Now. Legend has it that the witch didn't only feed off of muggle children, but off of the souls of young Witches and Wizards as well as their magic gave her more power. People say, in the 18th century, the witch integrated into society and continued living. She was never caught. And although her predicted hunting ground is forests and their surrounding areas, Wiltshires woods will always be her home." You concluded, leaving the room in utter, stunned silence.

A few younger Slytherins looked on with fear filled eyes as they clung onto one another. You felt rather bad but at the same time, they chose to listen to the scary story's that you older folk were telling. You thought you saw Draco tensing up out of the corner of your eye, but as you looked at him, he stood up. "That story is rubbish. There is no way she could gain eternal life. And besides, I had never heard that story. It's not even scary." He tried to protest but you could hear the shaking in his voice.
That one got to him. It could have been due to the fact it was set so close to his home, or the prospect of the woman still being out there. But something made his body tremble and his hairs stand on end.
This gave you an idea. A devious one that might get you in trouble, but would be more than funny to witness.

The next day you ran around the castle in search for the perfect person. Peeves. It wasn't everyday a student actually wanted to encounter the poltergeist. But today was one of those days. You scoured the corridors, hallways, staircases and classrooms until you got to the third floor. "Oh, (Y/L/N). Why are you up here? Maybe I should shout and Filtch would come a'running." He chuckled merrily.
You rolled your eyes at the translucent troublemaker. "Peeves. Please. I want your help. I want to scare Malfoy." You told him, looking up at his pale face.
"Malfoy you say. The control freak or the daddy's boy?" He enquired with intrigue written all over his face.
You sighed. "Draco. Why would it be Lucius?" You questioned.
Peeves shrugged. "I don't know. But I miss bugging the old man. It was funny to see his face turn as white as his hair." He sang with laughter. "Oh what I would give to see that face once again." He looked forlornly.
You smiled. "What if you could see it on Draco's face instead. Pretty sure it would be just as simple and twice as effective." You tempted the poltergeist.
Peeves though for a second before nodding. "Okay (Y/L/N). I will help. But it better work." He told you.
You smirked triumphantly. "Oh trust me. It will work."

That evening when Peeves had been briefed and the story had settled itself into Draco's mind, you initiated the plan.
Walking into the common room, you instantly spotter Draco at the side of the room by the fireplace. "Hey Malfoy." You called gaining the platinum haired boys attention. He lifted his head to look over to you. "Snape's looking for you. He told me to ask you to see him in his classroom." You informed, getting closer to him.
Draco sighed but stood up anyway. "Fine. Did he say what it was about?" He enquired.
You shook your head and he just nodded, walking out of the common room and towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts class room.
You smiled. That was easier than you expected it to be. Now it was down to Peeves. Hopefully he wouldn't tell Draco the little plan and instead just do what you had told him.

Creeping out of the common room, you followed Draco from a few meters back. Just to make sure you weren't caught. As Draco strolled through the castle you saw Peeves emerge behind him with an old branch. With Draco walking past the window that looked out to the Forbidden Forest, the poltergeist began to scrape and tap the branch against the floor. Draco turned around to see who was there, but Peeves vanished. He swiftly began to walk quicker down the hall, while Peeves scrapped and slapped the branch down. Draco twisted to look behind him with utter fright plastered all over his face. His face as white as his fathers hair and his eyes as wide as they would go. Draco let out a high pitch squeal. "Don't hurt me old witch." He called out as he spun. You had to stifle your laughter at the boy.

Instead of seeing a young looking, old lady, he was instead confronted by a chuckling poltergeist who was doubled over in laughter. "Oh Mr Malfoy. Little misguided Malfoy. You looked more amusing than your father did." Peeves sang.
But Draco just shook his head and walked back to the common room muttering things about telling his father about him, and if it was down to him, there would be no ghosts left. You came out from your hiding place and stood in front of Peeves. "Thank you Peeves. Malfoy thinks that I believe he's not scared of anything. We showed him." You giggle.
The poltergeist nods. "Don't get used to my help though (Y/L/N). I just like watching Malfoy's scream like children. Next time I see you. I'll be sending Filtch after you." He reassured.
You nodded knowingly. "I wouldn't expect anything different from you. Goodnight." You turned back and walked to the Slytherin common room to see if Draco was still in shock.

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