Umbridge - #14

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You wrote your lines. You got your punishment. Not that you actually did anything wrong. But answering back is not tolerated in her classroom. So you opted to just take the painful, but easy, way out.

You had been sat in the Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson when you began talking to a fellow 5th year Gryffindor about the work. You were confused and needed a little bit of help. The room was silent so as you leant over to ask Hermione what the textbook was trying to say. You felt an ominous presents beside you, looming down over your desk.
"Now. Are you going to continue talking, or carry on with your work?" The high pitched, innocent voice asked.
You stammered as you looked up that the lady wearing pink. "I'm confused Miss. I don't understand what this means." You tried to explain pointing to a column in the text book.
"Are you answering back? Because there will be none of that in my class room." Umbridge declared calmly.
You shook your head. "No Miss. But. You see-" you were abruptly cut off by the once composed teacher as she spoke angrily towards you.
"Miss Potter isn't it?" She spat. You nodded. "Well. Seems you didn't quite get the brains like your twin brother. I shall see you in detention after the lesson." She calmed herself after the outburst, giggling to herself.

You hated her. Everyone did. But you really hated her. She always compared you to Harry. Not that she liked him either but he was intelligent. You knew what you were doing, it just took a little longer to learn it, that's all. But she hated it because she thought you weren't trying.

When the lesson ended, Umbridge asked you to write lines for her.
"I'd like you to write I must try harder and not answer back, please Miss Potter." She told you, handing you her quill to write with on a plain piece of parchment.
You began scribbling the words on to the paper slowly. Your left hand began burning and aching. You looked to the back of your hand and there it was. The words you had written on the page, cut into your hand in three sloppy lines.
You looked up at the evil woman with the righteous face, with horror in your eyes as she spoke down to you. "This is your punishment. You deserve to be punished (Y/N). How is it that one twin can be so talented and special. But the other to be so disobedient and to have no natural aptitude." She questioned, comparing you and your brother once more.
You felt tears prickly your eyes as you were put down once more by another person. The vile witch dismissed you and you almost ran out the door.

You walked hastily down the corridors, a few small tears streaming down your face, passing Hermione who tried to ask if you were alright. You ignored her. You didn't want to be rude, but you knew that if you opened your mouth or stopped to think, you would break down. You aimed straight for the Slytherin common room where you knew your boyfriend would be.
Knocking on the door rapidly, Blaise opened it and scowled at you. His eyes softened when he realised it was you and without asking, called Draco over.

You boyfriend was in front of you in a matter of seconds. "(Y/N). What's wrong?" He asked seriously, wiping a single tear from your cheek. You took his hand and dragged him to a quiet corridor where you could talk without people around.
You sat in the stone archway of the window with Draco sat opposite you. "Umbridge. I hate her. Why is she here? Why can't she just go away?" You ranted.
"What has she done?" He demanded, seriousness laced his voice.
You looked down, pulling your sleeves over your hands. "She's just being rude. Comparing me to Harry. Making me feel like shit." You told him, avoiding that fact she tricked you into inscribing words into your hand, which was still as painful as when it first happened.
"I know I'm not as good at magic as Harry. And I know I'm not the chosen one. She doesn't have to keep pointing it out. I can never live up to saint Potter." You state, trying to hold back the tears.

Draco moved over so he was closer to you. "Why do you keep covering your hands?" He asked.
You don't say anything for a second, holding the ends of your long jumper sleeves. "It's just cold." You tried to lie.
He slowly and subtly grabs your left hand, making you wince slightly. Uncovering your hand, he reveals the fiery redness of the cuts.
"Did she do this to you?" Draco studied them, running a finger softly over it, so as not to hurt you but check it.
It stung at his touch and the tears that you were holding back began to fall. You nodded your head as he looked into your eyes with seriousness.
It broke his heart to see you hurt. "Look (Y/N). You are a better witch than Harry could ever be. You are so much kinder than him. You are funny and talented in other fields of magic. So what if he's the chosen one, he's an arse compared to you. You are beautiful, gifted and so incredible. Please never forget that. I love you." He assured you, pulling you closer to him as the tears continued to spill out of your eyes.
"Thank you Draco. I love you so much." You said, truly grateful that you had a boyfriend as kind as Draco.
"Let's go to Snapes room and see if he has anything that can help it." He suggested, trusting that Snape would be able to help and not tell Umbridge.
You nod, standing up together as he held your burning hand, avoiding the cut area.

Draco walked you back to the Gryffindor common room with a small vial of potion that would heal your hand within a few days. Draco kissed the top of your head before leaving you to go through your common room.
As you walked in, you were met with what felt like thousands of pairs of eyes on you. Trying to hang your tear stained face low, you made your way swiftly to your dorm.

You waited until everybody had left so you could walk to the Great Hall by yourself for dinner. You didn't feel like answering questions or interacting with people, so you tried to prolong it for as long as possible.
Walking down the beautifully calved stone hallways you saw Harry pin someone against the wall with Hermione trying to hold Ron back. As you got closer you realised who was up against the hard, cold wall.
"Shut it Malfoy. Hermione saw (Y/N) crying. So what did you do?" Harry demanded.
Hermione tried to speak up. "Harry. I don't know who made her cry. And Ron for goodness sake stop trying to punch Malfoy." She demanded.
Harry just scowled at Draco as your boyfriend shook under Harry's arm. "I didn't do anything to her. Why is everything my fault?" Draco shot back.
"Just punch him Harry." Ron called out, getting frustrated at the blonde boy.
You marched over to them and pulled Harry off of Draco. "What on earth do you think you're doing Harry?" You questioned.
Harry was angry. Really angry. You could see it in his glass framed eyes and the way he held himself. "What did he do to you?" Harry asked hastily, still starring Draco down.
You looked at him with disbelief. "Nothing. Nothing except help me, care for me, just be there for me. Especially when my own brother isn't." You shot back.
Harry looked at you perplexed. "He has done nothing wrong. Stop trying to hurt him all the time." You told him.
Harry looked at Hermione who was slowly letting go of Ron, making sure he wasn't going to knock Draco out just because he felt like it. "So why did Hermione see you crying?" Your twin asked.
You reluctantly revealed your hand to him and Draco came to stand beside you. "Don't start blaming Draco. It was Umbridge. She made me write lines with her quill and it's now cut into my hand." You explained to him.

Hermione came over to examine it as Draco placed a protective arm around your waist. "Is this what happened in detention?" She enquired. You nodded slowly.
She shook her head. "That's barbaric. Why would anyone want to do that to a student?" She asked in disbelief.
"Because she's evil." Draco pitched in, turning his nose up at the thought of her.
Hermione let go of your hand and spoke to you seriously. "Have you told anyone? Do any of the other teachers know?"
You nod. "We spoke to Snape. There's a potion that will help heal it in a few days." You assured her, allowing your friend to breath a sigh of relief.
Harry and Ron still hadn't moved. "Does it hurt?" Harry simply asked.
Hermione shot her head round to look at him in disbelief. "Of course it hurts you moron. It's not a cat scratch." Draco protested to the stupid question posed by your embarrassed brother.
"Sorry." Harry apologised quietly.

Hermione looked back to you and Draco. "We can discuss this later but right now we need to get to dinner or we will all end up with cuts on our hands." She told you all.
All five of you nodded and made your way into the packed hall, Draco's arm still round you as though if he let go something bad would happen to you. He held you for as long as he could. Protecting you.

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