A What? - #5

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You and Draco had been friends since 1st year. You sat next to him when you were sorted into Slytherin and from then on you were inseparable. You tried out for the Quidditch team together, sat next to each other everyday, were partners in every single class you had together and told each other everything. You really were best friends.
So when Draco came back to Hogwarts in the 6th year thinner, paler and just generally more bitter than before, you knew you had to get to the bottom of it.

You were both sat in Defence Against The Dark Arts learning some defensive spells when you looked to Draco next to you. He had his head down, not listening, pulling gently on the sleeve of the left arm of his shirt as if to check it wasn't going to unexpectedly ride up. Draco usually listened intently to DADA lessons. You had seen a similar approach to Potions lessons as well. He normally thrived in them but this year something was different.

Coming to the end of the lesson Draco began packing up and hastily left the room. You had seen him vanish for hours on end a few times this year and you were determined to know where he went so you casually followed him as though you were walking to your next lesson when he suddenly turned and started walking down the empty corridors of the school. You dropped back slightly and watched where he went. He soon was standing in front of a plain wall and all of a sudden, a great wooden door with intricate metal designs appeared in front of him. Once Draco had walked into the mysterious room, the door vanished. Finding this most peculiar you decided to walk back to the Slytherin common room and wait for your friend to return.
While he was away you spent some time thinking about what he might be doing and what had gotten into him.

Draco came into the common room just after last period with a look of worry on his face, pulling at the neck of his tie and loosening it.
"Draco." You called, standing up from your place on the sofa. He ignored you and kept walking up the stairs to his dorm. "Draco Malfoy I swear, you stop now or I'll get my wand out." You threatened. He knew you were one of the best witches in the school, so Merlin knows what you'd do.
He turned to you and you took hold of his hand. Dragging your best friend down the stairs and through the common room, you exited and went to find a quiet place to talk to him. Draco was not to pleased about the whole matter, being dragged by his arm down a selection of corridors was not his idea of fun.

"Okay. Will you get off me now?" Draco hissed. You brushed it off and let go of his arm as you walked into a random room.
You looked around the small room and sat on the floor. Looking up at him he stared back with a confused look. "The floor. Really?" He asked.
"Yes. Now sit your butt on this floor or so help me." You insisted, giggling slightly at his unwillingness to just go with it.
He gave in quickly and sat cross legged on the cold stone floor. He gazed into your eyes for a few moments before asking. "So whats up? Why have you dragged me into this cold dark room with no one else in. Looks like the perfect setting for a murder if you ask me. You're not gonna hurt me at you?" He confirmed as you chuckled at him.
"No. That's not the plan at least." You joke as he gives you a small smile back, the first one you have seen in months. It was reassuring that he was still capable of smiling, even if it was only small.

You began fiddling with the hem of your Slytherin robe and looked at him seriously. "I wanted to talk to you. I haven't spoken to you in a while. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." You said clearly trying not to show to much emotion but just enough for him to know you were being serious.
"Course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" He defended, sounding on edge.
You sighed. "Well there's the lack of eating, the distance between you and all of your friends, you don't listen in class." As you continued listing some of the things that have changed since last year, he put his fingers on the cuff of his shirt once again. "And you keep pulling at your shirt, what's with that?" You ask.
His eyes widen, fixated on yours.
You quickly take his left hand in your right one, ignoring his attempts to pull away. Quickly pushing his sleeve up with your other hand you reveal his secret that has been making him acting differently this year. The dark mark.
"Death Eater. Well, that's one career path I suppose." You said, resulting to jokes as it was the only thing you knew in these sorts of situations.
His face was full of panic and fear. "I didn't want to. He made me. They made me." He spoke out quickly and without hesitation.
Your fingers traced the pattern on his forearm.

"So what exactly does this mean?" You asked him seriously.
Draco shrugged. "A lot of things. A lot of things I don't want to do." He chocked out, his eyes prickling with tears. "(Y/N). Please don't hate me." He pleased, his voice sounding small and helpless.
Wrapping your arms around the shaking boy, you pulled him towards you and he buried his head into your chest, letting his tears finally come streaming out.
As you allowed him to get it all out you spoke soothingly. "Draco, I would never leave you. You're my best friend. I won't let them hurt you. Never." You reassured him as she continued to shake in your arms.
"I don't want them to hurt you. Or mum. Or dad." He confessed.
You lead your head on his. "They won't. I'll make sure they won't." You tried to comfort him, not being brilliant with emotions or other people's emotions.

After sitting in silence for around 15 minutes to allow Draco to calm himself and stop crying, he pulls away and looks at you. "I'm sorry I've been so distant. I just thought that if they thought I didn't care anymore, they wouldn't ever try to hurt you." He sniffed.
Standing up from the floor, you smiled back at him, offering a hand to help him up. He took it and pulled his sleeve down, not letting go of your hand. "As long as I have you, no ones coming anywhere near us." You reassured him, laying your head on his shoulder as you walked out of the room together hand in hand.

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