Don't Touch Him - #97

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ifthis - When Hermione punches Draco and the reader gets mad and fights her.


That bloody beast had injured your boyfriend. Yes, the blonde Slytherin had been highly exaggerating his injuries. The Hippogriff was startled by Dracos sudden movement, so had scratched his arm. He was really laying it on thick at the table of the Great Hall but you still cared about him. So, you listened intently to what he was saying.
Draco winced. "Please Pansy. Don't touch it. Merlin knows what will become of it if the healing is disturbed. My arm may have to come off completely." He lied, making his gullible friends nod in awe.
You rolled your eyes discreetly before Draco carried on. "Father is furious with the school. I know what will become of that ugly chicken. My father will see to it that it doesn't happen again." He rambled on as though he and his father could take control of every situation the castle and its inhabitants presents to them.

For a few days, Draco continued to hold his arm in a sling. Madam Pomfrey had assured me that within two days he wouldn't need it anymore. But, Draco being who he is, continued to wear the damn thing to make his injury appear worse than it really was. He didn't have any problem shoving his classmates in DADA or pushing second years out of his way down the corridors. But Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were so gullible, they would think the moon was made out of cheese.

After a hearing at the Ministry with Draco's father and Hagrid, they confirmed that Buckbeak the Hippogriff would be sentenced to death. So, that evening, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Pike and yourself all ventured down to the Sundial Garden to observe Hagrid's hut from afar. You weren't really looking forward to the whole decapitation of an animal, but the group of boys had dragged you along anywho.
"My fathers going to let me keep the Hippogriff's head." Draco began showing off to his friends as they chuckled at the thought. He knew he didn't need to show off to you. He was more than aware that it bugged you, his constant search for attention. But that was just Draco. "I think I might donate it to the Gryffindor common room." This you did have a slight giggle at. Imagining the faces of the Gryffindor's as they walk in to see the animal above the mantelpiece.

The five of you began to hear rustling from the grass behind you. Turing around, you saw the single most infuriating person on the planet. Hermione Granger. You hated her with a passion, and hate is a strong word. But you were more than happy to use that word on her. Before you could think about her anymore, Draco piped up beside you. "Ahh, come to see the show?" He spoke cockily with a smirk.
Granger was furious. Her hair flowing behind her as she hurried down towards your boyfriend. "You! You fowl, loathsome, evil little cockroach." She spat, raising her wand to his neck as Draco was backed onto the large flat stone.
"Hermione, no. He's not worth it." Ron called to her as she didn't take her eyes off the quivering boy beneath her wand.
You sent a deadly stair over to the Weasel as he implied that Draco was worth nothing to anybody. Weasley was nothing but lower class scum. What would he know about worth? He probably couldn't identify a galleon if it hit him in the face.
Hermione lowered her wand and Draco stopped being a baby and looked over to Goyle with a chuckle. But before the brunet girl turned around, her fist collided with Draco's nose.

That was it. The final straw. As Pike and Crabbe held Draco up as he begins to slip down the wall, you march over to the smiling Gryffindor girl. "That felt good." She began, looking at her two friends. Her only friends probably. Knowing her.
Taking hold of her shoulder, you spin her around with anger boiling inside of you. "What do you think your doing Granger? Who gave you the right to put your dirty hands on Draco?" You spat in rage.
She slapped your hand away as her eyes narrowed at you. "Ooo. Who let you out of your cage?" You mocked. In retaliation, you simply pushed her into the floor. She started it without wands, you were going to finish it without wands. While you and Hermione were at each others throats, the boys from both Gryffindor and Slytherin just looked on in astonishment. They couldn't believe the two of you were actually fighting. And it wasn't like you were both holding anything back.
Fists flew and feet kicked until you were sat, straddling the girl with her hands pinned to her sides as you snarled at her. "Even fighting you the muggle way, you can't win." You taunted triumphantly.

Hermione looked as though she was about to start another round, but Harry and Draco made quick eye contact, signalling to each other that this needed to stop. Even if Draco was more than impressed by your skill. Pulling the two of you away from each other, you took a stick from the floor and threw it in the direction they were about to walk in. Harry and Ron took Hermione off towards Hagrid's while you smirked at her weakness. "My theory was right. I knew if I threw a stick the bitch would chase after it." You spoke sarcastically with Granger turning to retaliate. But Weaselbe just pulled her away.

You smirked and took Draco's hand before walking back to the castle. "Wow. Can you be protective more often. Because you're so cute when you're being protective." Draco whispered to you with a smile.


Hey. I apologise for just disappearing for a few days. I had a mountain of Photography prep to do and passing my two art A Levels is kind of a priority. (English I really couldn't care less about ha) But I'm back. Also, I am changing my cover to the photo I attached because when I made it I thought it looked pretty. -A

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