Muggleborn - #6

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This is going to be a long one. Hope you don't mind. I just couldn't stop writing. -A


Your parents were muggles. There was no other way of saying it. So when you started dating Draco Malfoy, your parents just thought he was another wizard like you. They didn't really understand the wizard world so you tried to keep it as simple as possible for them. Draco was like them but the other way around. He knew nothing of the muggle world so when your patients wanted you to invite him to dinner in the holidays, you weren't entirely sure how both parties would react to one another.

You and Draco had been dating for 4 years now but not once had the topic of parents come up until one day near the end of the school year. You were both sat in the common room, his arm draped around your shoulders, listening to a younger Slytherin talk about his day. Not that you were at all interested but this kid seemed to really want to tell everyone about his Muggle Studies lesson and when Draco tried to shut the boy up you just hit him gently. When the 3rd year had finally stopped taking and walked away Draco turned to you and asked "your patients are muggles. It would be fun to meet them." You were confused because you thought he wanted nothing to do with them because of how his family treated muggles, but he smiled and genuinely wanted to meet them.

During the summer holiday your parents also bought up the topic of meeting your 'magical boyfriend'. As much as you cringed hearing them talk about the boy they were yet to meet, you decided to invite him over for the day.

Draco met you at Kings Cross Station as he knew where this was. Taking his hand and lightly pecking his lips you both made your way, on the underground, to your house. He struggled at multiple points with the gates to get into the underground and the constant flow of people, hurrying to get to meetings and other work related jobs in the centre of London. You only had to go thought two or three gates from Kings Cross station to Richmond, but that didn't stop him from complaining profusely about the inconvenience of not using magic to just aperate to your house or just get rid of all the people. Obviously two short train rides from one side of London to the other was a bit to much for him. You still giggled at his naivety to the extent of the muggle world.
"It's all a bit odd. Don't you think." He asked as you were walking from the station back to your house.
"What muggles?" He nodded. "Well, I'm pretty sure they would think the same about us as well." You told him making Draco think for a bit as you approached the house.

Before you could ring the door bell he grabbed onto your hand. "(Y/N). I'm scared. Are they going to hate me?" He finally asked, his words were worried but you quickly reassured him.
"Trust me Draco, they will love you. Just smile and be you." You kissed his cheek and rung the doorbell.
You mum was at the door almost as soon as your finger had released the button. "(Y/N). Finally. I thought you'd got lost." She joked as it took so long to get Draco on the Underground. "Ah. And you must be Draco. It's lovely to meet you. Come in. I'm (Y/M/N)" She greeted cheerfully from the door. She walked back in the house, ushering you both in through the narrow door.

Draco looked around the front hall. In front of him was a straight staircase to the second floor and to his right a small living room. As he looked down the hall he saw a small kitchen and dining room at the back of the house. This was quite foreign to Draco who was used to the massive castles of Hogwarts and the mansion of his family. So when he was confronted with a semi-detached house in Richmond, he wasn't entirely sure what to do with himself. "Your house is lovely." Draco complimented smiling at your mother.
Your mum chuckled slightly. "Well thank you. (Y/N) your dad will be back from work in about an hour. I'll call you when I need some help okay." She affirmed, allowing you to show Draco around the house.

When you got to the top of the stairs Draco held your hand. "Everything's so small. So you don't have people to help in the house? Like elves?" He asked. You shook your head, smiling at the confused boy. "And you have no magic to help make the food?"
You were trying not to laugh at just how much this boy did not know. "Nope. We have to actually use our arms." You joked, dragging him into your room.
"So what does your dad do?" He enquired as he looked around your room, studying the walls and how everything was positioned.
You sat on your bed and leant against the wall. "He works as teacher at the secondary school down the road." You told him. This was a job he understood so he nodded, smiling, still looking round the room. "He's a Science teacher." This is where Draco looked at you, puzzled.
"Science? Like a Potions teacher?" He asked.
You thought for a second, pulling a face before replying. "I guess. They mix things together, yes. But just think about how Seamus makes Potions and that's perfect." You tried to explain.
He nodded slowly. "Sooo, your meant to blow things up?" He tried to understand.
You nod. "A third of the time, yes." That was the simplest way of putting it and you knew there was so much for him to learn, so you didn't want to overload him just explaining what your dad's job was.

You dragged Draco by his hand, sitting him opposite you on the bed and locked your lips with his in a passionate kiss. He instantly responded, kissing you back with just as much love and urge.
The kiss was cut unfortunately short by your mum calling from the bottom of the stairs. "(Y/N). Can I have a hand please." She asked.
You sighed and pulled away from Draco's perfect face. "I will get her an elf. Please. I just want to kiss you." He joked as you walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. You giggled at his cute need to kiss you and placed a small kiss on his cheek.
You got some cutlery out of one of the draws around the kitchen and handed the metal utensils to Draco. He looked at you confused again, taking the bundle of knives and folks. "Lay them out on the table." You whispered and he walked over to the small dining table and began placing them down.
You poured drinks and your mum whispered things to you, making Draco seem a little bit on edge as he wasn't entirely sure if it was about him or not.

As your mum began placing plaits of food onto the table, the front door swung open. "Hello." Your dad called from the hallway, taking his shoes and coat off and walking through to the kitchen where he gave your mother a hug. "Sorry I had to go and hand some things to the exam board." He apologised, justifying why he was working in the holidays.
"Don't worry. This is Draco." Your mum told him, gesturing to the tall white haired boy stood with his arm around your shoulder.
Draco extended his had for your father to shake. "It's lovely to meet you Mr (Y/L/N)."
Your dad shook his hand firmly, "Please. Call me (Y/D/N)." He told him.

You all sat down at the dinner table and tucked into the spaghetti that your mum had prepared. Draco seemed happy enough which you were relieved to see.
"So, Draco. What do your parents do?" Your dad asked, twirling strands of spaghetti on his fork.
Draco looked over to him "My father has a high status in the ministry but he mainly deals in dark artefacts." Draco told him, my fathers face a picture of utter confusion.
"He deals in a vast collection of rare items dad" you put simply so he would understand. With that he nodded.
Draco smiled at you for helping make sense of it all. "My mother doesn't work. She worries about me to much" he laughed. Your mum giggled as well as if to say she understands where he's coming from.

By the end of dinner your dad was just rambling about random stuff, but Draco listened intently to every word. "Now, Draco. If there's one thing I want you to remember. It's that if you hurt my daughter, they'll be trouble." He spoke, pointing his finger at the boy next to you.
Your mother rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Don't listen to him. You seem like a wonderful boy. And if what (Y/N) tells us is anything to go by, you seem perfect." She reassured him, smiling sweetly at your boyfriend.

Your mum told Draco he could stay round for the night as it was getting late and he gladly accepted.
While you were cleaning everything away your mother took you by the arm and whispered to you "I like him. He seems like a really lovely boy. He looks like he really likes you too." She smiled, approving of the boy you loved more than life.
From the other side of the room you heard your dad speaking to Draco again. "Why don't people deliver the post on brooms? Why use owls, how do they know where they're going?" You heard him ask. Draco seemed like he was about to burst into laughter so you mentally face palmed and dragged Draco away from the magic related questions.

When getting back to your room, you closed the door gently and Draco scooped you into his arms. "I like your parents. They make me laugh. I like that they aren't really serious like mine. It's nice." He confirmed before kissing you lovingly.

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