Pancakes - #54

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"What in Merlins name is a 'Shrove Tuesday'?" Draco questioned as you bound towards him excitedly singing the days name.
You stopped abruptly in front of him and looked towards him with serious eyes. "You don't know what Shrove Tuesday is? I guess it's a muggle thing." You told him.
His eyes widened and looked shocked. "Oh. Well, why are you singing about it then?" He asked.
You grabbed his hand skipping down the hall as Draco looked around frantically to make sure no one saw the muggle born Hufflepuff dragging him cheerily down the hallway. "Because today is the day we can make as many pancakes as we want and justify the colossal amount due to the fact it is tradition." You announced happily as he chuckled at you.
Draco looked at his beautiful girlfriend, who was still dragging him, and shook his head. "So it's like some sort of pancake day?" He enquired.
You gazed round at him and nod. "Yep. Pancake day. It has a whole other meaning like Christmas, but I'm just in it for the pancakes." You spoke proudly, not being entirely sure of the origin of the day that you learnt when you were 6 in the muggle primary school.

When you both got to the kitchen, you bent down to get a pan out of the cupboard. "Wait. Are you making pancakes?" Draco asked, looking down at you rummaging half way into the cupboard below.
Pulling you body out of the deep storage space with two pans in your hand, you nodded. "We are making pancakes." You told him, smiling widely. Standing up, you placed the pans in the side and walked over to the fridge where you took out the batter you had made earlier. "And we're doing it the muggle way, so no magic." You warned him as his face dropped.
"But I don't even know how you make pancakes." He defended.
Putting the jug of thick cream coloured liquid on the side, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You poor unfortunate soul. Well, now you are going to learn. Grab the butter out of the fridge for me." You asked him, pointing into the corner as he plodded over reluctantly.

Coming back with the butter in his hand, you began placing the two pans on the hob and turned the gas on. Draco handed you the greasy spread to place a tiny slither in the pan so the pancake wouldn't stick to it. Pouring a thin amount of the batter into your pan, it began to sizzle gently at the temperature difference.
Handing the jug to your boyfriend, he looked at it with confusion. "Pour a little bit into the pan." You spoke as though you were talking to a child who had never cooked anything before.
He pored the liquid into the pan and both watched as the pancake began to cook.

When the pancake was almost done, you took the pan off of the heat and flipped it effortlessly as though it was second nature to you. Draco looked over to you as though he had just learnt about the existence of magic. "How? How did it no mess us?" He asked in bewilderment.
You just shrugged, flipping it once again. "Just practice I guess." You state vaguely.
Draco smirked. "I bet it's easy. I'll have a go." He boasted cockily. Be began shaking the pan but you could see what was wrong instantly. Then, he finally flipped it. Well, attempted to flip it. "Why is it stuck to the bloody pan!?" He bellowed loudly.
You just had to laugh at the blonde pureblood. "Amateurs, really. Use the spatula to get it off the pan." You chuckled as he began getting aggravated with the implement.
Draco took a spatula from the draw and began trying to save the pancake from the grasp of the pan. Being to forceful with it, Draco had completely severed any sort of coherent shape and created a small bundle of pancake in the centre of the pan.

"No. I'm not doing this anymore." He quickly snapped as you chuckled at the struggling boy. He wiped his wand out, clearing the pan of the pancake corps and pored the batter into the pan once more. He began moving the pancake with the Magic from his wand and flipped it with a flick of the wrist, not even stepping a meter near the pan.
He looked at you as you ate your pancake, entertained by the display Draco was making. "The muggle way is utter rubbish. I can't do it." He spoke crossly as he flipped it once more, flicking his wand to move the object.

Once it was cooked, Draco proudly plaited the pancake up like a piece of modern art. "Ta da. Wizard pancakes. Tastes exactly the same as muggle ones, but less stressful to make." He presented triumphantly, grinning at his achievement.
You chuckled as he nibbled on his food still proud that he had cooked it all by himself, minus the prep work you did beforehand.
When the childish boy had finally finished you put the plates in the sink and took his hand. "Shall we go?" You asked.
"But I want to make more." He pouted innocently.
You stared at the Slytherin, bewildered. "What? But you were complaining not two minutes about not wanting to do it anymore." You giggled as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
He picked you up, placing you firmly on the kitchen work top and kissed your nose. He shrugged. "Any chance I can get to watch you giggling is a chance I'll take." He smiled, watching as you looked down at your legs that were dangling around Draco's waist.

He kissed your forehead and laced his hands with yours.
Looking up into his eyes, your saw a sparkle appear instantly within the grey orbs. "You know what?" You spoke sweetly. "I can smell burning and you left the gas on. Take the pan off the hob or you'll have to explain to Dumbledoor how you burnt the schools down." You warned him calmly. You chuckled at him, holding your stomach as you laughed, while he sprinted over to the stove to turn everything off and try to cool down the pan that was sizzling uncontrollably in his hand.


Happy pancake day! Today is a great excuse to eat as many as you can and not regret a thing. Also, I'm having A LOT of trouble updating. There was a bug so nothing uploaded. I think it's working now... -A

Draco Malfoy ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora