Anniversary... - #80

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Draco tumbled out of bed and changed at the speed of light. Rushing into the Great Hall he saw you and bounded down to sit beside you at the long table. "Someone's cheery this morning. Are you alright?" You asked, chuckling at your boyfriends uncommon enthusiasm this early in the morning. Even Pansy was taken back by how animated he was being.
He just shrugged, smiling wide. "It's just a special day, isn't it my love." He kissed your cheek and began eating his breakfast while you sat there wondering who spiked his drink last night.
"Sure it is." You agreed uncertainty as you slowly took a mouthful of toast, still watching you boyfriends jolly face. You were somewhat confused at this moment. What did he mean by a special day? Where you forgetting something? You looked over at your best friend and Pansy just shrugged making a 'your guess is as good as mine' look. You decided to leave it as whatever it was made Draco happy, so you left him to do whatever he was doing.

The entire day Draco presented you with small gifts, flowers and most of all, his company. It was sweet but you didn't understand why. That afternoon when you and your boyfriend were sat in the common room, you decided to ask what everything was in aid of. "Draco." You began as he hummed in response. "Don't get me wrong, I love everything you have done for me today. But why exactly have you done it?" You asked.
Draco pulled away from you and looked seriously into your eyes. "You are joking right?" He asked in an even voice. You shook your head cautiously, uncertain as to how he would react. "Really (Y/N). You couldn't remember a simple day like today. I thought our relationship meant something to you. I though we were good together. Do you not care?" He began to kick off, standing up and looking down at you.
Luckily, everyone else was at dinner so no one was around to witness what was happening.
You held up your hands and conveyed a puzzled look. "I do care and I love you so much. What day is it? Enlighten me Draco because I'm really struggling here." You told him affirmatively.
Draco paced in front of you and ran his hands through his well kept hair. "Our anniversary (Y/N). Our 5 year anniversary!" He proclaimed, placing particular emphasis on the '5 year' part.

You narrowed your eyes in thought for a moment before your face relaxed and you began sniggering, trying to suppress your laughter and growing smile. "Why are you laughing? This isn't funny." Draco told you forcefully.
"Its next month." You smiled trying your hardest not to laugh at how much your boyfriend of 4 years and 11 months cared about your relationship.
He stood up straight and frowned. "What? What do you mean next month?" He questioned, trying to piece together what you meant.
You chuckled lightly before telling him. "Our anniversary is next month. It's two days before my mothers birthday, making it next month. Always has been. That how I know I'll never forget it." You confessed to him.
Draco a face slowly softened from his frown as he took in what you said for about 40 seconds. "Oh bollocks. Yeah, your right. Whoops." He finally said not looking at you, but instead thinking over everything that just happened.

You began to giggle uncontrollably and stood up to wrap your arms around your loving boyfriends neck. "Well I thought the gestures were sweet none the less." You told him as his grey eyes finally met yours.
A smile crept onto Draco's face as he chuckled lightly at the situation he had put you both in. "Sorry about that. I'm sorry I said you didn't care. It's just, I though you had forgotten, and we have been together for so long. I was worried you didn't love me anymore." He told you timidly.
You shook your head. "Of course I love you Draco. What makes you think I wouldn't?" You asked leaning your forehead against his.
Draco sighed. "Well, Potter said-"
You swiftly interrupted whatever he was about to say. "Well Potter is an idiot. You know that more than anyone. Don't listen to him. I love you more than I ever have done and I always will do." You reassured him finally placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

Draco took the kiss to another level by kissing you back harder but with and equal amount of affection. You both stayed there for a few minutes, only pulling away intermittently to breath.
Soon, a few Slytherins wandered into the common room, encouraging you to pull apart from each other. Draco sighed in reluctance but complied. "Ooo. Get a room you two." Zambini teases, calling out from the door as Draco starred him down.
"Shut up Blaise." Draco weakly replied.
Pansy chuckled beside him. "Wow, nice comeback Draco." She chuckled. "Come on (Y/N). We have potions to do. No boys allowed. Come on, let's go." She took your hand and dragged you out of the room as you looked back at Draco who smirked at you and gave you a devilish wink making you blush profusely.
Pansy didn't actually want to do homework, but instead, being the nosy bugger she is, wanted to know all the details of your day with Draco.

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