Broke Things Can Be Fixed- #79

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You were out getting all your supplies for your third year of learning at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, from Diagon Alley. But before you could begin your searches, your father wanted to have a nose around Borgin and Burkes. The dingy, creaking old shop excited you to an extent, presenting you with an almost endless supply of dark artefacts and creepy furnishings. The abnormal designs caught your eyes and made you think about what they had been previously used for.

As you wandered aimlessly round the shop, letting your fingers run along every surface to explore the different textures they held, you heard the bell of the door chime. Looking through the cracks between the shelves, you observed two figures, floating into the shop, both with shimmering platinum hair. The taller man had long, flowing hair. Where as the younger boy had short hair that parted in the centre. You recognised the two individuals as Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Your father worked closely with the elder Malfoy while you were in the same year and house as Draco. You didn't want to make your presents known to him though. Instead, you just chose to sit back and watch from afar.

You knew from past encounters that the Malfoy family dynamic was much to be desired. They certainly weren't the perfect family Lucius was trying to present them as. He was an emotional bully to both his son and his wife. You knew that just from the way Lucius looked at his precious son. But Draco never reached out or confronted him about it. Instead, he stood in silence, waiting for the day he would be free of his control.

The two began looking around, with Draco picking up a small trinket on the top of a table. Lucius slammed his cane against the already damaged, grey coffee table in front of Draco, making him jump suddenly. He fumbled to keep the small item in his hands. "What did I tell you about touching things Draco." Lucius hissed to his son.
Draco looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry father." He trembled placing the small object back onto the table.
"You'd better be sorry boy. Honestly. When will you learn?" The older man spat menacingly, making Draco cower away slightly. "Weak. Such a weak boy. Wait outside." Lucius took Draco by the collar of his shirt and threw him out of the door in an instant.
As Draco waited by the large shop window, his face fell into one of worry and fear. He began scanning the glass panes while he waited for his father to make a transaction. That's when his eyes fell on you, stood still, inside the shop, having seen everything. Draco's eyes clouded with rage as he whipped round in anger. You had seen him at his weakest. And this scared Draco possibly more than his father did.

Once your father had finished purchasing his goods, he ushered you out of the shop to gather your school supplies.

September came all to quickly, and before you knew it, you were surrounded by students, professors and ghosts once more. Draco had been avoiding you at all costs, not that he really spoke to you a lot before. But now, he really didn't feel like making your acquaintance. You seeing him in Borgin and Burkes almost made Malfoy more of an arse. But you understood now more than before. He needed to feel in control of something. He was powerless at home but here, at Hogwarts, he could be anything he wanted. The opportunities were limitless for him.

It was a week or so into the year and Slytherins had potions. Snape had put everyone into pares for this project, meaning you were with Draco. The boy who didn't want anything to do with you. You were the only person in the entire school who could possibly take his power away from him in a heartbeat. You were, in his eyes, a threat to his authority. But in reality, you just wanted to see if he was okay.
You didn't talk to one another for the first 40 minutes but Draco continuously stole glances in your direction whenever possible. You rarely made it obvious that you could see him looking, but instead tried to see what kind of mood he was in. He looked as though he wanted to say something. His face was soft featured and delicate. He didn't poses a harsh expression, but instead meetly one of thought and wonder. Whenever you looked over and caught him looking, Draco's expression would quickly change to one of hatred and dissatisfaction. You knew from the way he looked at you before that this was just a face he put on to hide his true feeling.
You were almost finished with your potion and thought that this was as good a time as any to breach the subject that had been swirling round your mind constantly. "Draco. Look, whatever you think I'm thinking about what happened in Borg-" you began.
"Don't!" Draco warned, looking round at you harshly. It was the same stare his father had given him and Draco knew you could see this. He looked away instantly and resumed mixing the potion. "Whatever you think you saw, you were mistaken." He confirmed, swiftly dropping the subject.
You sighed but chose not to push him. "Fine. But you shouldn't put up with what I 'mistakenly' saw." You told him honestly before walking over to the storage cupboard to put back the unused ingredients.
When you came back out, class was being dismissed and Draco was already half way out the door.

Later in that day, you wandered round the castle freely. In second year, you used the Room of Requirement as a hiding place away from Potter when he accused you of being the heir of Slytherin. You knew exactly where it was, unlike the majority of the school. To everyone else, it was just a dead end wall. But to those who need it, it can always be found.
So when you walked past the normally blank wall, seeing a door in its place, you were puzzled. Normally people would make the door unrevealable but not this person. Intrigue took over and you pulled the hefty door open and sneaked in. The room looked as though it was a bedroom of sorts. It was white and green but not like the Slytherin dorms. It was more homely than that. There was a bed in the centre of the sizeable room with a young boy sat cross legged on it, swearing profusely under his breath.

You went to walk away as a floorboard creaked under your foot. 'Really room? I don't think he wants me in here!' You thought to yourself as you winced at the noise. Draco's head shot up in a flash, his eyes scanning over you rapidly. "What are you doing in here?" He asked angrily.
You hesitated for a moment wondering why you actually were in there. "There was a door and there normally isn't. So I got curious." You told him.
He nodded, everting his eyes quickly. "How much did you hear?" He enquired, his voice softer now, but still unpleasant.
"Enough to know you aren't happy." You told him, creeping over to the bed slowly, as not to cause any alarm.
Surprisingly, Draco shuffled over on the green duvet covered bed to make room for you to sit beside him. "Wanna talk about it?" You proposed.
Draco sighed. "I don't know. I guess you already know the basics and you haven't told anyone about that." He thought out loud.
You shook your head. "I wouldn't tell a soul." You reassured the blonde boy beside you.
He looked down at his hands and took a deep breath. "My father, as you know, is terrifying. He's rude, arrogant, loud, abusive. He looks down on me consistently. Nothing I do can ever or will ever satisfy him. He just thinks of me as nothing more than another generation to uphold the Malfoy name. That's all. I'm just a name to him. He doesn't care. He doesn't even care for my mother and she does everything for him. I know people thing that physical abuse is bad, and it is. But emotional, that's something on a whole other level." He ranted, not realising he had started to cry.

The boy that was as emotionless as a statue, had finally crumbled. You pulled him closer to you and let the fragile boy cry in your arms as you ran your fingers through his hair soothingly. "No. What am I doing? Malfoy's don't cry. Malfoy's. Don't. Cry!" He repeated to himself.
You quickly spoke up, preventing him from repeating any more. "Malfoy's can cry and should cry. They are human like everyone else, with human emotion and human responses. Don't ever let your father say you can't be human. You deserve to feel all your emotions." You told him, trying to make him see that it wasn't his fault.
Draco shook his head then collapsed onto you. Burying his head in your chest, he whimpered. "I'm- t-to scared. I'm to scared- of him!" He chocked out in fear, clinging into your shirt.
You rubbed his back and tried to calm him. "I know. But you can't let him win. You need to try and show him you are stronger than he thinks. You're not weak Draco. Never let him believe you are weak. A weak man would not have been able to get this far. You are stronger than anyone I know." You explained to him.
You could feel your shirt becoming wet with his tears. "I'm broken. I'll never be strong enough." He cried.
You sat him up, lifted his chin and looked deep into his looking grey eyes. "Broken things can always be fixed. No matter if it's a vase, a heart or a boy. You haven't given up yet, don't give up now!" You told the quivering boy.

Draco flung his arms around you and cried into your shoulder. "Thank you (Y/N). So much. I'm sorry I'm such a bad person. I'm just so tired of feeling small." He thanked you, hugging you tighter.
You shook your head. "Don't worry Draco. I don't blame you. But I'll be here for you whenever you need me. Because you are worth so much more than you think you are. And your father may never see that, but that's his narrow mind for you. You are an exceptional wizard. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." You concluded as he whispered a 'thank you' before drifting off to sleep in your arms.

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