5 Years Time - #55

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It's been 5 years. 5 years since your last lesson. 5 years since you were sat in your Slytherin dorm. 5 years since you watched a school Quidditch match. And 5 years since you broke up with him. Even after all this time, you still missed him like hell.
You and Draco had been dating for 3 years but in your final academic year, you broke up with each other. You stayed in good terms and held no hatred towards one another. It was a mutual decision to leave each other and go your own separate ways. But that didn't stop you from thinking about him every chance you got.

It was mid day and you were walking down Diagon Alley for the first time in, what felt like, forever. You hadn't walked these uneven cobble streets since the beginning of your last year a Hogwarts. It was nice to be in a familiar surrounding again. After you had finished school, you moved from your family home in London to a small single bedroomed house in Cornwall. You did love it there, but you missed the hustle and bustle of London life. You had come back up to London to visit your family but wanted a few hours to yourself to look round the streets you now knew like the back of your hand. Some of the shops had changed but it all looked basically the same as it always had done. It felt good to be back.

You had already been there for and hour but you still weren't finished down the small strip of shops. As you wandered round, you entered a new shop that had only recently opened. The small establishment held shelfs of small ink pots, rolls of parchment in all different shapes, sizes and thickness' and many other stationary supplies. The beautiful quills were displayed in a glass cabinet that framed them all perfectly, making them look exceptional and untouched.
While browsing the different coloured inks, a stocky child around the age of 14, ran into you rather hard. You would have toppled over if it hadn't been for the man who appeared next to you and wrapped his lanky arms around your small body from behind.
"Hey, watch where you're going." The man called to the boy, anger evident in his voice.
That's when it hit you. You knew that voice. It wasn't just any old voice. "Draco?" You asked as he made sure you were standing on your own two feet, steadying you as you turned around.
As you came to face him, his eyes lit up and expression turned to utter shock. "Merlins beard. (Y/N)!" He exclaimed. Pulling you into a tight hug, he kept you there for around a minute before letting go. "My god. You look amazing. I haven't seen you in, what, 5 years? How have you been?" Draco bombarded you with his words.
You chuckled at his frantic but happy attitude. "I'm okay thanks. It has been to long. How are you doing?" You asked not telling him how far away you moved.
He nodded. "I have been alright thanks. Busy, but alright." He confirmed. But you knew Draco, and that wasn't his honest voice. He was hiding something. He wasn't actually happy. You had been inseparable for years so you knew exactly when he was 'okay', and this face was not.

You nodded, not convinced by his reply but you didn't want to overwhelm him, bearing in mind it had been 5 years since you last saw each other. "I remember this like it was yesterday. Coming down here to buy supplies for school." You spoke nostalgically, gazing at all the young wizards, stocking up for the new term.
Draco chuckled. "Yeah. I miss those days." He said honestly.
You both began walking out of the shop and down the Alley. "So what do you do now?" He enquired as the cool British August air hit you.
You looked at him for a moment to see him stuff his hands, deep into his pockets. "I have been creating new potions." You stated, smiling at your small achievements.
He looked over at you and grinned. "So even after you complained about Snape's endless essays and long class', you still went into potion making. He told you you'd be good at it." Draco reminded you as you rolled your eyes playfully.
"Alright, alright. I admit it. He was right." You gave in after all these years.

Draco chuckled, but his face soon dropped as a girl turned the corner. He quickly took your hand and dragged you down a side alley. "Look (Y/L/N). I really have missed you. There's no denying that. I never really wanted to break up with you but I thought it would be the best thing for us. I regret it every day of my life." He admitted dejectedly.
You looked into his beautiful, sparkling grey eyes honestly. "Who was that girl? You saw her and panicked. Who is she?" You asked inquisitively, half avoiding the subject of the both of you because you two wanted to get back with him.
He looked at the floor dismally. "That's Astoria Greengrass. My father is forcing me to marry her." He looked at the floor in dismay.
You saw the hurt in his eyes. He didn't love her. He couldn't follow his fathers wishes and carry on a pure blood line on his fathers terms. He wanted to marry you, one day. You were a pureblood as well but Draco never looked at you like that. He just saw the beautiful girl he fell in love with in 4th year. "Do you want to marry her?" You asked, already knowing the answer.
Draco shook his head. "Why would I? She a lovely girl, don't get me wrong. But she's nothing like you." He spoke timidly.

You sighed, wrapping your arms around the platinum haired boys shoulders and hugged him tight. "He can't control you anymore. You are stronger now, don't let him take that away." You whispered hopefully to him as he snaked his arms around your waist to hug you back. It felt so perfect. Like you were in first year again, hugging for the first time. It just felt so right.
As you both pulled away, he took a deep breath and smiled weakly. "You'll send me an owl, won't you?" He enquired hopefully.
You grinned at he broken boy. "Of course I will. Just don't let him take over your life. It's yours remember." You told him.
Draco nodded. "Thank you (Y/N). For everything. I love you." He admitted.
Placing a small kiss on his cheek you replied. "I love you too. Goodbye Draco." You walked away with your head down, burying your hands down into your pockets like Draco had done, wishing you could turn back and kiss him right there and then.

Draco Malfoy ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz