What It Takes To Be A Slytherin - #30

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Striding down the corridor, the sea of students part to make way for you. You weren't popular as such. It was more that people were scared of you. You were no princess. You were the Slytherin Queen. And no one was going to get in your way.

It all started when you hexed a Gryffindor 3rd year girl in your first year for shouting at a young Hufflepuff. Many of the professors asked you how you knew such magic, but you would never tell them. You knew much worse spells than 'Mutatio Skullus', but didn't think the girl was worth it. The hex only caused her mild in-convince. A few extra limbs growing here and there but other than that, not much. It was really used as a warning.
What the teachers never found out was you had in your possession a book, passed down your family through generations, each member adding new jinx's, hex's and curses when they were created. You didn't care much for the jinx section. You were more interested in learning the curses.

After 6 years at Hogwarts, people soon realised you weren't to be messed with. Being taken to Dumbledoor on numerous occasions with the threat of being expelled due to 'unnecessary uses of magic', according to professors McGonagall, Sprout, Lupin and Flitwick. Even Rubeus Hagrid reported you on a few occasions. But every time you returned to your common room with a warning and a sly smile plastered over your face.

The students of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were all terrified of you. Slytherins were a little more tolerant. They admired how you handled situations and how you stood up for the younger Slytherins, even if they were scared of you. But you only have one friend. Draco Malfoy. He was the only person who seemed to understand you in a way no one else could. You didn't really talk to anyone at all, except him. He was the best friend you'd ever had. And he felt the same.

As you were walking back from your potions lesson, which was taught by the only teacher you actually liked, you heard shouting from outside as four people walked towards the forbidden forest. You followed close behind listening to the argument occurring.
"I know you did it Malfoy. And when I have proof, you'll be sorry. Do you hear me." Harry Potter shouted at Draco as the golden trio followed him, hunting him like a pack of wolfs.
"Leave me alone Potter. You don't know anything." He spat back, marching away with a long stride, trying to escape the three goodie goodie Gryffindors.

You knew what this was about. Katie Bell had been cursed and Draco was the first person the trio though of. Obviously they were right but they were just assuming. You knew the mission Draco had been assigned and you offered to help in any way possible. You helped to curse the neckless and comforted him when he was scared. You knew he didn't want to do it so you wanted to make it as easy for him as possible. You and your family were all Death Eaters so he trusted you not to tell anyone.

Harry pulled his wand out and you sprinted over to them. "Wand away Potter. Leave him alone or you'll be next." You scowled as the four of them turned around.
Draco's eyes lit up knowing you would help him.
Ron snarled. "You. It was you wasn't it. Malfoy doesn't have the balls."
Your eyes shot daggers at the scruffy haired boy. "I didn't do it. Why would I waist my time on her?" You turned your nose up.
Draco ran round the trio to stand next to you. You both faced your three enemy's boldly as they spoke once more. "Give it a rest (Y/L/N)." Ron demanded, shaking his head.
"Who else has a plethora of knowledge about Dark Magic? Who else has used countless hex's and even curses against other students? Who has almost been expelled over 50 times?" Hermione asked, looking at you with hatred.
You were getting bored of the Gryffindors cheek so you decided to whittle them down. "Ugh. You talk to much Granger. Petrificus Totalus." You cast, catching her off guard and sending her falling to the floor.

Harry and Ron looked down at their friend astonished, while you just smirked. "She needs to learnt to talk less." You suggested, shrugging you shoulders innocently.
Harry began marching over to you when you held your wand to his throat. Ron was about to get his wand ready incase you did anything but Draco was already pointing his towards him with a warning stare.
Harry starred you down. "Just wait till Dumbledoor hears about this. You won't get away with it. I know you did it." He warned encouraging you to mock him, obviously pretending to be scared.
"Oh no. Dumbledoor. I'm so worried. Your cute Potter. You think I'm scared of that old codger. If you tell him anything, I'll just curse you. Or maybe even your distant family." You taunted, giggling at your own plans.
The stone look on Harry's face began to weather away. He was scared. The boy who lived was actually scared.

Harry didn't know how to answer. He just stood there as Ron nudged him. "This was actually more entertaining when the mudblood was talking." You began.
Draco smiled at you, knowing you were just trying to chip away at the two boys to get a reaction. You hadn't actually been verbally rude to anyone in a very long time so you were just getting it all out of your system. "Maybe you should have stunned the Weasel instead." Draco suggested, adding to the Gryffindors fury.
"Don't talk about me or my friends like that. Just because you don't have any." Ron shouted at you.
Before you could retaliate, Draco had cast a curse leaving Weasleys eyes to swell shut.

You laughed hysterically as the ginger boy didn't know what was happening. You knew this could easily be fixed by Madam Pomfrey.
"You have been warned Potter. Don't go doing anything stupid now." You advised, turning away as Draco gave one last snarl at the raven haired boy. You both began walking back to the castle until you heard the snow crunching under someone else's feet behind you both.
Abruptly turning, you were faced with a spell being hurtled towards you by Harry. You managed to block it swiftly before rolling up your sleeves and approaching him for the last time.
"Now that. That was stupid. Wasn't it?" You gritted your teeth at the boy as he began cowering away.
Waving your wand just a little, you spoke clearly "Sectumsempra". You knew he was aware of the spell but didn't know how to use it, where as you knew it was not entirely bad so long as you keep your wand flailing to a minimum. Blood trickled from Harry's side as he pressed down on the wound. It was just one cut on the side of his torso. You could have done worse but didn't fancy being expelled quite yet.

Harry starred up at you, pain and confusion on his face, while Ron stumbled around with his arms out stretched, trying to understand where he was. You took Draco by the hand and walked away from the stunned muggle-born, bleeding half-blood and temporarily blinded pure-blood.
Making your way to Snapes office to make him aware of the three Gryffindors, Draco held your hand tighter than ever. "I'm scared (Y/N)." He admitted softly, not daring to look at you.
Your face softened from the angry one it once was and squeezed his hand. "Me to." You confessed, looking at the floor as you walked.
You had never let anyone know the emotions you felt. But Draco was in the same situation as you so you felt you could tell him. "But we have each other. So that's better than being alone." You forced a smile.

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