Former Lover - #59

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After 4 and a half years of dating, you and Draco broke up. It wasn't on the best of terms either. You found Pansy sticking her fat tongue down your boyfriends throat one evening. You know he didn't kiss her back, but he didn't push her away either. And for that reason you had broken up with him. You didn't care that you still loved him, you didn't want to be messed around and couldn't risk it happening again. You weren't really the forgiving type. You had been cold towards him. Scowling every time he passed you down the corridor, or rolling your eyes every time he opened his mouth to speak. You found the blonde boy irritating in every way, but deep down you knew it was because you hated him for making you fall in love.

For Draco, things were very different. He never wanted to louse you. It was a stupid mistake which he wishes he could take back. But he couldn't. You were stubborn when it came to things like this. Once you had a view on someone, that hardly ever changed. So Draco knew it would take more that light work to get you to even speak to him in a civilised manor again. But he knew it was his fault in the first place. And for that, he hated himself.

The problem with breaking up half way through the school year, meant that you couldn't get out of the compulsory partnership you had in Potions. Yes, Draco was your Potions partner and you had to endure the sight of him almost every day until the end of the year. For the first few weeks, you ignored him completely, only pointing at the steps in your small purple textbooks to guide him through the proses. He insisted you spoke to him, but you didn't take any notice.
Soon enough you were forced by Professor Snape to talk to Draco after he had a stern word with you about messing up the latest potion due to 'lack of communication'.

So, walking into the lesson you were exceeding at, you reluctantly perched on the stool next to Draco and shot him an angry stair. "Look Malfoy. I don't want to talk to you, but Snape will fail me if I don't. So don't try anything, don't talk to me about anything other than potions and do not attempt to apologise again!" You warned him bitterly, laying out the ground rules of the arrangement you were reluctantly bound to. 
Draco nodded, astounded at the fact you had actually chosen to talk to him, even if it was because Snape was making you. As the monotone voice of your teacher instructed each pair to begin creating their potions, you flicked open your text book and began reading the newest concoction. You instructed Draco to collect the ingredients needed bluntly as he scurried away, obeying your every command. You found it rather entertaining how you could manipulate the boy like putty in your hand. But every word you spoke to him was brief and unwilling. Not something he wanted.

Halfway though the lesson, Draco turned to you as you stirring the thin boiling liquid. "(Y/N). I really am sorry. I didn't mean to-" he started sincerely.
But before he could finish, you stopped stirring and whipped your head round to look at him. "Someone's forgotten rule 3 it seems." You snarled, narrowing your eyes before continuing to move the liquid round the cauldron.
Draco sighed before placing his hand on the desk quite forcefully. "Why won't you just talk to me? We need to talk about it at some point." He demanded, staring at the side of your face.
Turning to look at him once more, you scowl at the boy. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm angry. Maybe I'm hurt. Maybe, its even because I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth anymore." You protested as a Gryffindor girl behind you looked up at you both, shocked at your sudden outburst.
"Well what do you want from me?" He asked dramatically.
You rolled your eyes. "How about you refrain from kissing girls that you aren't going out with." You suggested sassily.
Draco was quick as lightning with his comeback. "I didn't kiss her back!"
But you were even quicker. "But you didn't push her away either!"

You were both now shouting at each other, which instantly encouraged Professor Snape to saunter over to the two of you. Taking you both by the back of your collars, he escorted you out of the class room and into the corridor without a word.
Snape closed the door whiteout the use of his wand and threw you both into the hallway. "I do not except two of my best students from my own house to be squabbling like children in my classroom." He began sternly, getting increasingly close to the two of you.
You felt bad for disturbing his lesson. "I'm sorry sir." You apologised timidly.
He looked at you both individually before standing up straight and communicating in his usual, steady voice. "I want you both to sort whatever this is out right now or at least enough so when you talk I can still hear the bubbling of a potion. Is that understood?" You both nodded at the stern professor as he turned abruptly back into the classroom.

You both stood in silence for a minute or two, neither one of you wanting to speak first. You looked over at Draco who was gazing down at his shoes with a glum expression. You sighed knowing you needed to be the bigger man about this or nothing would happen. "Draco. I'm still angry at you for what happened. But you're right, we do need to talk at some point." You pipe up.
Draco's eyes don't shift from their position but he bit his lover lip in though. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I'm so sorry. I didn't know what was happening and I admit I didn't push her away, but I hated every second of it." He finally bought his eyes to look at you. "I was an idiot. A massive idiot." He apologised.
"Yeah you were." You chuckled softly in an attempt to lighten the mood. He smiled weakly back at you. You stretched out your hand towards him as he looked down at it in confusion. "I'm not getting back together with you but that doesn't mean we can't be civil. So, friends?" You wondered nervously.
Draco placed his hand against yours and shook it tightly. "Thank you." He almost whispered through his smile.

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