A Mysterious Diary - #22

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You and Draco sat opposite each other, staring at the black, leather diary he held in his hands. "Riddle. I recognise that name. Why do I recognise that name?" Draco asked, not pulling his eyes away from the book.
"I don't know but it looks bad." You spoke cautiously with a hint of wonder in your voice.
It was only your second year at Hogwarts and already your best friend was bringing in weird quirky looking things he found lying around.

Draco looked at you. "Shall we write in it?" He suggested, opening the book and scooting round the table to sit next to you. "You have the neatest handwriting." He stated, waving his ink filled quill over the page.
You took the quill as it dropped black liquid on the page. "Draco. Stop waving that around. You're ruining the book." You stated, but as you spoke the ink disappeared.
Both yours and Draco's eyes widened. "Where did you say you found this book?" You asked wearily. It obviously had some sort of magical property, but you both weren't sure what it was.
"My dad had it. It caught my eye and I thought he wouldn't miss it if I borrowed it." He told you, his eyes still glued to the blank page.
You nodded. "Right. Well that's... reassuring." You replied uneasily.

You placed the feathered quill onto the page of the diary and simply wrote 'hello'. The ink you used disappeared almost instantly when you had stopped writing. Your words were soon replaced with ones that you had not written. 'Hello. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?' the diary asked.
You stopped, not knowing whether it was safe to reply.
Draco nudged you. "Just put my name if you don't want to put yours." He suggested.
You shook your head. "No it's fine. I'll put both our names." You told him boldly.
Placing the nib on the blank paper once again you wrote 'Draco Malfoy and (Y/N)'. The black writing disappeared once again as you waited for the reply.
It emerged a little slower this time but it still used the same curvy, calligraphic hand writing. It read 'Malfoy. Yes, I know your family well. Might you be the son of Lucius? And (Y/L/N). I knew your mother well. Fantastically talented witch'.
You gazed at Draco who was looking straight back at you. You both looked terrified. How did this diary know your families?

'Who are you?' You quickly wrote, not stopping to consult Draco on the matter.
You both watched closely, waiting for the book to revel his identity. 'Tom Riddle. Let's just say I'm your enemy's worst nightmare.' You could practically hear Riddle smirking through the words written before you.
You closed the book tightly shut, to scared to talk to it again until you found out who he really was.
You breathed out looking Draco in the eyes. "Who's your enemy?" You asked him seriously.
Draco shrugged. "I don't know. The entire Gryffindor house, muggles, anyone I don't talk to kindly." He listed. He was implying everyone except the Slytherins.
You shook your head. " No, no, no. Specifically. Who do you hate more than anyone?" You demanded.
Your grey eyed best friend thought for a moment before suggesting simply "Harry Potter?"
Yes, Potter. It had to be him. "Okay and who's his worst en-" you were cut of by your own gasp. "No! It can't be. Can it?" You asked yourself, confusing Malfoy tremendously.
"Who?" But then it twigged in his brain. "You-know-who?" He whispered even though there was no one in the room to hear you both anyway.

You opened the diary scrawling the words 'are you voldemort?' You didn't bother with capital letters as you just needed to ask.
The reply was simple 'Clever.'
Draco got up out of his chair and began pacing round the room. You were speaking to the Dark Lord himself. When the realisation hit you, you grabbed the book and threw it across the room not judging where it was going to land.
You heard a yelp come from behind you, then a slight "Ow." You turned to see Draco holding the book up in his right hand. "Did you really have to throw it in my face?" He asked, chuckling nervously.
You got up off of the wooden chair and made your way over to him. Wrapping your arms round his torso you whispered a simple "Sorry Draco."
He hugged you back instantly. You could tell he was partly worried by the book but still intrigued.
You looked up at him while still hugging his slim frame. "We need to get rid of it. I don't care who has it next but I'm not keeping it any longer." You urged him honestly.
You both lowered your arms so you were just stood in front of one another. "We could keep it for a little bit longer. I mean why not." He tried to persuade but you quickly snatched the diary from his hand and whacked him on the head with it. "Okay fine. We will get rid of it." He gave in, rubbing his head and giggling at your scowling face.

You ended up 'bumping into' Ginny Weasley the next day as her books scattered over the floor. You helped her pick them up and placed the diary within the pile. She was sceptical of your offer to help collect her books but she didn't want to piss of an older Slytherin. Especially as you were 'helping', or so she thought anyway.
The diary was none of your business anymore and anything that happened regarding the almost deadly book, was not your responsibility. It was rather cruel to just dump it on someone else, but at the same time, you really didn't care.


Hey. I just wanted to quickly thank you all for the 1k reads. This is seriously amazing. Thank you all so much! It means the world that you are reading. I really hope you are enjoying it so far.
Thanks again! -A

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