Former Lover: Part 2 - #60

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You and Draco had been on good terms for about a month and a quarter. Things were going well. You were joking around like you used to, sharing stories, irritating the trio. Just like the good old days. There was just one problem. Pansy. She was becoming a clingy leach to your duo, making it a very much unwanted trio. As mush as you insulted her, she wouldn't go away. And you knew exactly why.
It was no secret that she wanted to date Draco, and she believed the best way of doing so was pestering the two of you until he cracked. Not the most effective of idea, but this was Pansy we're talking about. She was as daft as the entire collection of Alice in Wonderland characters, a reference Draco failed to understand as he wouldn't even touch a muggle story book. She was completely insane. But still, she clung on.

One evening when the entire Slytherin house were celebrating a Quidditch win, you came down from your dorm to a swarm of people all jumping around to loud music and drinking a multitude of different beverages. Through the crowd, you saw Draco stood in front of another person, hidden behind a cluster of bodies. He was gripping his glass bottle tightly with a face of pure boredom and fake excitement. Draco's idea of faking an excited expression meant periodically smiling and saying the word 'yay' in the most forced way humanly possible. But whoever he was talking to obviously didn't seem to mind.

As you made your way through the crowd of Slytherin students, you saw Draco's attention begin to wander as he gazed round the room for a sufficient distraction. While letting his eyes wander along every line and curve of the room, his gaze fell onto you and his face lit up instantly. A smile plastered his lips and with his eyes widening, they sparkled kindly. As you moved closer, you saw the person he was 'talking' to. It was Pansy and as she continued to blabber nonsense to your friend, she began to noticed his mind, and eyes, were elsewhere.
A scowl took over her face as she looked over in the direction Draco was looking and saw you stood there. She quickly took his hand and dragged him out of the common room, without any hesitations. Marching her way through the crowd, Pansy dragged Draco out of the door and into the hallway so they could be alone.

Draco felt instantly uncomfortable at the thought of being alone with Pansy once more. The obsessive girl pushed Draco against the wall as he stared at her with unease. "Just relax Dracy. She's not here to stop us this time." She muttered into his ear.
Draco began to panic. He placed his hands on Pansy's shoulders and lightly began pushing her away. But this made her more determined to be close to him. Turning his nose up at the girl that was smothering him, he tried to push her harder. Pansy trailed kisses along his jawline and down his neck as Draco protested. "Pansy! Pansy stop! For crying out loud!" He almost shouted, not really wanting any attention to be drawn to him in this state of weakness.

Before anything more happened, you took Pansy by the back of her jumper and tugged her off of Draco. Slamming her up against the wall with your arm across her neck, you pointed your wand at her jaw with the other hand. "What do you think your playing at Parkinson? He told you to stop. Do you need some English lessons? Or maybe just some manners." You spat, anger boiling up as Pansy smirked, chuckling to herself.
"You think this is funny? Do you see my laughing?" You shouted.
You could tell you were about to do something you might regret later and Draco could see it too. Before you could Hex Pansy, Draco coerced you off of her and into his arms. "Shh. It's okay (Y/N). She's not worth it." Your arm was still stretched, pointing your wand towards the toad in front of you.

She began sauntering towards you and your eyes narrowed. Draco stood next to you, closely, lacing his hand in yours. "Why do you care so much (Y/L/N)?" She snarled, her eyes barley visible due to her stare.
You turned your nose up at her as though a bad smell had lingered into the hall. "Why wouldn't I? And what makes you think he would like someone like you?" You returned bitterly.
She chuckled. "Because anything is better than having to look at your face-" but before she could finished whatever irrelevant sentence she was going to say, you performed a simple cures; Petrificus Totalus. Pansy fell to the floor in a stif position.
"Don't talk to me like that again you slimy git, or you'll be in a worse position than this." You stated, crouching down to her level on the floor.

You snarled at the girl before you, finally standing up and smirking menacingly. Draco took your hand with a smile and pulled you down the hall, back into the common room and up the stairs to his room, chuckling to each other. "Merlins beard. We are going to get into so much trouble." Draco laughed, knowing someone will find her and she will grass you both up in a heartbeat.
You shook your head with a smile. "I don't care. She deserved it. That pug faced twat." You told him as he nodded in agreement.
As you both perched on the edge of his bed, Draco turned to you. "Thank you (Y/N). God only knows what position she would have me in by now if you hadn't have helped." He spoke sincerely.
Draco had been opening up to you more recently, since you and him had put the past to one side. It was nice though. You began to see a different side to him that he had only shown you a slither of when you had been dating.
"No problem. No one wants to be near someone like her." You chuckled, earning a grin from him. It was nice to feel this close to him again.


I am so sorry, I honestly have no idea what this part even is. You guys really like part 2's though hah. Thanks to emmarosaliee, BarryAllensPerson and _xmgxx for requesting. I hope it was alright. -A

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